
NYT quietly tweaks headline blaming Bowman's loss on 'flood of pro-Israel money'

The New York Times altered a headline for an article about Rep. Jamaal Bowman's Democratic primary loss which initially framed his stinging defeat as the result of "a flood of...

NY pols' 'cooling center' cold shoulder is shameful

Mayor Adams' office sent out an appeal to 225 local elected officials and staffers to offer their offices as "cooling centers" to the public, and only six responded.

Bowman's vulgar, profane political rally: Letters to the Editor — June 25, 2024

The Issue: Rep. Jamaal Bowman’s profanity-laced speech at his Saturday re-election rally in The Bronx. Is there any better way for people to know what these progressives are about than...

Ex-NJ Gov. Jim McGreevey caught making illegal U-turn

"I apologize," McGreevey said of the caught-on-camera U-turn. "It was wrong — period."

Hillary Clinton quips about losing 2016 election at Tony Awards — but joke falls flat

The former Secretary of State, 76, made a surprise appearance onstage at the Lincoln Center's David H. Koch Theater in NYC on Sunday night.

Watch cringeworthy moment reporter interrogates pro-life pol over paying for girlfriend's abortion

"If abortion was the best choice for your girlfriend, why try to deny that choice to other women?" KUSA host Kyle Clark asked the state lawmaker Thursday in a wince-inducing...

Haiti’s new prime minister hospitalized days after being selected to lead country

Haiti’s newly selected prime minister, Garry Conille, was hospitalized late Saturday in the capital of Port-au-Prince just days after arriving in the country, the government said.

City Hall sees new bill to mandate radiator inspections four months after Brooklyn tot was fatally burned by steam from faulty heater

NYC Councilwoman Farah Louis’ (D-Brooklyn) legislation comes four months after Brooklyn baby Binyomin Kuravsky was fatally burned by scorching steam from a faulty heater. 

NYC has the most millionaires of any large metro area — how long till Dems drive them out?

A recent report found that there are more millionaires in New York City than any other large metro area in the word. If you can make it here . ....

Ex-members of Congress gripe about $174K salary, cost of living in DC: 'It's very difficult'

Ex-members of Congress griped to the New York Times about the cost of living in the nation's capital on their $174,000 annual salaries, while acknowledging how many of their constituents...

Far-left, anti-Israel flyer takes aim at Eric Adams over his support of Israel in unhinged rant: 'F--k you'

Mayor Eric Adams was berated by a fellow passenger for partying too much on a trip back from Miami Monday.

Nikki Haley welcomes husband Michael home from National Guard deployment

Michael Haley serves as a Major in the South Carolina Army National Guard.

Thanks to liberal pols, New York's apartments are quickly falling apart

New York City has some amazing real-estate bargains — as long as you don’t look too closely.

Former governor, US congressman dead at 89

Democrat Joseph E. Brennan, former Maine governor and congressman died Friday evening at his home in Portland. He was 89.

America, look at Sweden and beware the chaos of uncontrolled immigration

Not many Americans realize how difficult it is to come to America legally.

Irish PM announces he is stepping down

Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar says he will step down as leader of the country soon as a successor is chosen.

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau says he often mulls quitting his 'crazy job,' but will stay on

Asked whether he thought about quitting, he laughed and replied: "I think about quitting every day. It's a crazy job I'm doing, making the personal sacrifices.

Biden spotted with cheat cards with photos of Irish leaders — and how to pronounce their names

President Biden on Friday was photographed holding cheat cards with pictures of Irish officials -- accompanied with prompts on how to pronounce their names. The 81-year-old commander-in-chief exposed the cards...

Elected official caught urinating on LGBT club door before brawling with manager

The duo -- both wearing their black shirts unbuttoned -- were seen sauntering up to the employee entrance of the club and pulling down their pants.

Ex-GOP candidate and former pro-wrestler arrested for Las Vegas hotel room murder

"I watched you murder somebody like let that sink in your psychopath,” Rodimer's wife texted him following the deadly assault.