
The GOP should glimpse its future in the UK's populist tilt

Nigel Farage aims to replace the UK's Conservative party with a new populist force of his own creation — just as Donald Trump is remaking the GOP.

I didn't have to expose Nancy Pelosi — she did it herself

Musician, writer and podcaster Winston Marshall squared off against former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in an Oxford Union debate that's drawn viral attention, focusing on whether “populism is a threat...

Why Biden's pathetic 'economic populist' State of the Union ploy is sure to fail

Advance word is that President Biden will offer a whole new agenda in his State of the Union speech Thursday night.

Israel's 'unconditional' right, NJ's ballot corruption and other commentary

Mideast desk: Israel’s ‘Unconditional’ Right The United Nations and President Biden claim Israel’s right to self-defense must be balanced with an imperative to protect civilians, but that right is actually...

Pence can't turn the clock back on the Republican Party

Conservatives don’t always have to be on the losing side. They can also be forward-footed, using the tools of government. It doesn’t have to be “populism” or conservatism. How about...

What people are getting wrong about 'Rich Men North of Richmond'

Oliver Anthony, the songwriter behind the viral hit “Rich Men North of Richmond,” didn’t even finish high school. But his song is the most intelligent political commentary of the year.

Biden’s internet boondoggle, who are the real fascists and other commentary

MSNBC's Joy Reid recently accused presidential candidate Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis of running an openly fascist campaign.

NY Democrats' gerrymandering could backfire in moderate area of NYC

New York Democrats could see their redistricting plan backfire in a moderate section of Queens -- where Republican politicos see an opening in a redrawn state Senate district.

Pope Francis warns of 'retreat from democracy' during Greece visit

Pope Francis discussed of a global "retreat from democracy" Saturday as he arrived for a three-day visit to Greece, the birthplace of Western civilization.

No, conservatives shouldn't quit the Republican Party

After losing a national election, it’s natural that a political party goes through a period of soul-searching and internal turmoil. The Republican Party, though, has taken it to another level....

GameStop insurgency is just the latest rebellion against 'the Big Guys'

Joe Biden is president. Democrats control the House and Senate. Tech overlords are quashing dissent. We’re in the middle of what our betters call the “Great Reset,” when the power of big institutions...

Letters to the editor — Jan. 17, 2021

Not bailing on Don I am glad I am not in a foxhole with Salena Zito. I have spoken to many Republican friends and none have abandoned President Trump (“Over...

Why populists now need Donald Trump to get out of the way

The ignominious events in the nation’s capital on Wednesday, Jan. 6 will not soon be forgotten. The mob assault was the sort of thing we normally associate with banana republics...

Post-Trump, populists still have a big future in the GOP

With a month in the rearview mirror since the Americans headed to the polls, it’s clear that the election confirmed and crystallized a massive political realignment.  The multicultural left describes...

Yes, Democrats denied Trump's legitimacy and other commentary

Roll tape: Yes, Dems Denied Don’s Legitimacy New York Times columnist Paul Krugman recently claimed that Democrats “never” questioned President Trump’s legitimacy. And that, RealClearPolitics’ Carl M. Cannon snarks, is...

Conservative populism stronger than ever despite Trump's election loss

Why conservative populism is stronger than ever — even without Donald Trump.

No Trumpism without Trump and other commentary

Libertarian: No Trumpism Without Trump? Despite GOP efforts to absorb Trump supporters, Trumpism is nothing without its namesake, argues Bloomberg’s Virginia Postrel. “On the right, politicians and commentators hope to...

Why the left shouldn't bash 'populism' and other commentary

From the left: Don’t Bash ‘Populism’ At The Guardian, Thomas Frank admits he cringes every time he hears fellow progressives treat “populism” as a “synonym for everything that is wrong”...

Post-corona, the working class will blow a gasket over Chinese trade

I lost my secure, well-paying manufacturing job to free trade with the People’s Republic of China, and all I got was this damn virus that killed Grandma — and shut...

Airline pulls 'unpatriotic' commercial after criticism

COPENHAGEN, Denmark — Scandinavian Airlines has temporarily removed an online ad after criticism on social media, particularly from anti-immigration parties, that the video detracts from the region’s culture and history....