presidential debates

Hamptons donors divided on Biden's performance after fundraiser, debate fiasco: 'Band-Aid on a bullet wound'

While the president got mostly good reviews in the Hamptons after his debate debacle, others weren't sure. But everyone complained about the traffic.

Nikki Haley warns GOP to get ready for 'younger,' more 'vibrant' replacement for Biden

Former GOP presidential hopeful Nikki Haley says Democratic leaders will finally ditch President Biden and replace him with a "younger" more "vibrant'' candidate after last week's train-wreck debate.

Eye-popping 72% don't think Biden has the mental and physical strength to be president: poll

A jaw-dropping 72% of registered voters do not believe President Biden has the "mental and cognitive health necessary to serve as president," a new poll finds.

'The Mooch' claims Biden used teleprompter at post-debate Hamptons fundraiser: 'Not going to be enough'

Anthony “The Mooch” Scaramucci claimed that President Biden utilized a teleprompter during a ritzy fundraiser in East Hampton Saturday.

Biden campaign rips 'bedwetting brigade' in fundraising blast, touts poll pegging him stronger than other Dems

In a fundraising blast to supporters, deputy campaign manager Rob Flaherty doubled down that Biden was here to stay as the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

Fact check: Biden's horrific debate performance made worse by multiple lies and gaffes

President Biden was guilty of plenty of whoppers during Thursday night's presidential debate.

Bill Maher said Biden 's--t the bed' at the debate: 'His new Secret Service name is Amber Heard'

"I mean Trump told lie after lie after lie. He never would have gotten away with that if Joe Biden was there," Maher said to laughter

Former doctor to Obama, Trump reveals Biden likely suffers from ‘cognitive disease,’ should resign: ‘National security issue’

“This is a national security issue," Dr. Ronny Jackson told The Post by phone after President Biden's disastrous debate performance.

Biden's debate disaster reveals a campaign built on lies

The burning question is what drove this self-delusion and the betrayal of the public.

President Biden's dismal debate performance Letters to the Editor — June 29, 2024

NY Post readers discuss evidence of President Biden’s cognitive decline during the presidential debate on June 27.

Big-money donors 'extremely disappointed' ahead of Biden's weekend Hamptons fundraiser

While multiple sources told The Post they are "sticking with Biden," one donor noted Jill Biden may receive a frosty reception. "Lots of people are blaming his wife ... for...

Even the majority of Dems think Biden didn't win debate, according to Post poll

Respondents to the Post poll overwhelmingly said the former president emerged victorious -- with the majority of Democrats also indicating that Biden didn't win.

Dems and the media lied to America about Biden's fitness — who can ever trust them again?

Biden’s debate collapse was a wakeup call not only on his fitness, but on that of Democratic Party elites and all their eager propagandists in the press.

US Open champ has solution to Trump-Biden debate golf feud

Bryson DeChambeau watched the Trump-Biden debate and offered to be of help.

WSJ editor-in-chief feels vindicated over coverage of Biden's age, mental 'slipping': report

The Wall Street Journal's editor-in-chief said she felt vindicated over her publication's coverage of President Joe Biden's "slipping" mental acuity.

Liberal media pundits melt down over Biden’s horrendous debate performance: ‘Made me weep’

New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman said watching his friend President Biden's disastrous debate performance made him "weep" -- and urged the commander-in-chief to put the nation's interests first...

Jill Biden helps Joe off stage after disastrous debate showing

CNN’s cameras captured the 81-year-old president’s wife taking her husband by the hand and slowly leading him down the stage’s three or so steps after his showdown with former President...

Watch: Biden fumes at Trump during debate: ‘You’re the sucker, you’re the loser’

An angry President Biden took a shot at Donald Trump during Thursday’s presidential debate in Atlanta over unverified reports of him calling amputated servicemembers “suckers” and “losers.” “He was standing...

Watch: Trump tells Biden to not act like a child

After Biden accused former President Trump of lying about his height, weight and golf game, Trump suggested that he and President Biden should act more like adults. "Let's not act...

Watch moment Biden seemingly freezes mid-sentence

A raspy-voiced Biden appeared to freeze as he faced off with Trump during the first debate in Atlanta. After the apparent slip-up, Biden declared, "We finally beat Medicare," before host...