ronald reagan

Trump may be first Republican to win NY, NJ in decades after Biden debate debacle, GOP leaders say

President Biden's debate debacle has giddy New York and New Jersey Republican leaders believing that their nominee — former President Donald Trump — could win their states for the first...

Russian bluster after Ukraine strikes Crimea isn't the start of WWIII, just a new round of chicken with Joe

Ukraine strikes Crimea with US-given ATACMS. Russia blames the US to try and scare Joe Biden. Odds are it's going to work.

Donald Trump should run on winning the Ukraine war

"We know only too well that war comes not when the forces of freedom are strong but when they are weak,” declared Ronald Reagan at the 1980 Republican National Convention.

Biden's speech commemorating D-Day: Letters to the Editor — June 10, 2024

NY Post readers discuss President Biden’s remarks during a speech honoring the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings.

Joe Biden's D-Day speech was a bitter mockery of Ronald Reagan

Joe Biden’s trip to France proved two big things: He’s no Ronald Reagan, and he forgot to pack his patriotism.

How the courage and sacrifice of D-Day can unite us all as Americans

For those who know its solemn significance, it’s shocking to realize we've already reached the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

D-Day is a reminder that the US can't retreat into isolationist self-blame

Thursday’s D-Day commemorations in Normandy, France were a deeply moving occasion.

'The Boys of Pointe du Hoc': Ronald Reagan's timeless tribute to America's D-Day heroes

Excerpted from President Ronald Reagan’s 1984 speech on the 40th anniversary of D-Day, delivered at the site of crucial combat before some of the surviving veterans who fought in it.

How Yuppies changed culture forever

A new book details the rise and continued relevance of Yuppies.

Say their names: With Biden mum on Hamas' US hostages, Trump can champion their cause

Hersh. Keith. Sagui. Edan. Omer. Theirs should be household names across the United States. But they’re not, and the fault lies with President Biden.

Insider reveals the secrets of the Situation Room — where high drama and low farce collide

In a fascinating new book, George Stephanopoulos focuses on the White House crisis center.

Take a tip from Ronald Reagan on handling campus protests

When Ronald Reagan was running for governor of California, a major part of his platform was to "clean up the mess at Berkeley" and other college campuses that were experiencing...

Kudos to Mitch McConnell's final public service -- confronting the isolationist right

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said he plans to spend the remainder of his time in office fighting the isolationist wing of the Republican party.

Man who tried to kill Ronald Reagan claims he is a victim of 'cancel culture' after concert nixed

Would-be assassin-turned-folk singer John Hinckley Jr., who attempted to kill then-President Ronald Regan in 1981, was scheduled to perform at the Hotel Huxley in Naugatuck, Connecticut on March 30.

Ronald Reagan's daughter says cognitive tests are a 'good idea' for presidential candidates

Before President Biden was elected, Reagan was the oldest person to be elected president, at the age of 69.

Chris Christie vows to stay Republican and fight for the party: 'I will never stop fighting'

"I am ready to change the Republican Party. I will never stop fighting to change my party. I am a Republican," Christie said.

To hit Iran, let's back the democratic opposition — it worked in the Cold War

Though many in Washington were slow to recognize it, it’s now clear to all Iran has launched a war in the Middle East against the United States and our closest...

Supreme Court poised to end 'constitutional revolution' that's marred US governance for 40 years

When Justice John Paul Stephens issued his 1984 opinion in Chevron U.S.A. v. National Resources Defense Council, he started what legal scholar Gary Lawson later called “nothing less than a bloodless constitutional...

To win in 2024, Biden and Trump must fight for our hearts

As an election year dawns, Republicans and Democrats should stop to reflect on why our politics seems so stagnant.

Ron DeSantis is running as Mr. Conservative — and losing

Ron DeSantis is running as the true-blue conservative in the race for the Republican presidential nomination.