
Robot face with lab-grown living skin created by scientists hoping to make more human-like cyborgs

Scientists on the project believe the living skin could be a key step in creating robots that heal and feel like humans.

Cheap and widely used cholesterol drug could reduce cancer risk: study

Chronic inflammation is a major cause of cancer worldwide — and this could reduce the risk.

Why on Earth are we AGAIN collaborating with China to manipulate viruses?

the US Department of Agriculture is collaborating with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the parent organization of the Wuhan Institute of Virology

Do nootropics and prebiotics actually do anything? Here's what the experts say

Functional beverages — or drinks promoted as offering mental or physical benefits beyond hydration — are growing in popularity around the world.

Trans grandma able to breastfeed baby with help of experimental hormone drugs: 'Frankly disturbing'

Researchers at Duke University used experimental hormone drugs to help a transgender mother-of-five breastfeed her grandchild, in a study that has been panned as “frankly disturbing.”

Ghoulish ‘ghost shark’ species with haunting eyes, massive head discovered

Scientists with the Pacific Shark Research Center (PSRC) discovered the elusive Chimaera supapae "ghost shark" 1,640 feet below the Andaman Sea, off the coast of Thailand.

The DNA scandal that could threaten thousands of criminal cases

For nearly three decades, Yvonne "Missy" Woods was Colorado’s star forensic scientist, relied on by police and prosecutors to test DNA evidence in the state’s most baffling crimes.

Biotech company reveals breakthrough that could lead to revival of extinct woolly mammoth

“It will walk like a Woolly Mammoth, look like one, sound like one, but most importantly it will be able to inhabit the same ecosystem previously abandoned by the Mammoth’s...

Humpback whales caught enjoying gay sex romp in first documented photos of whale humping

"It is striking that the only two observations of such behavior in the scientific literature involve ailing or deceased whales," the researchers wrote.

Scientist claims 'smoking gun' evidence COVID-19 intentionally created by researchers in Chinese lab

Covid-19 may have been created by a "research-related incident," a British professor told the UN Wednesday, with Richard H. Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University, claiming that evidence of...

Chemist tests $380 Crème de la Mer and $7 Nivea to see which is better — and got shocking results

The cosmetic chemist put designer moisturizer Crème de la Mer, which can cost as much as $2,675 for a 16-ounce jar, up against a $7 tub of Nivea Soft. 

Calculator determines your chances of finding 'The One' — based on your sexiness

It’s just not adding up, huh? 

Creepy alien-like creatures with multiple legs discovered in the jungle

The newly discovered millipedes are a few centimeters long and had about 200 legs each.

One of the world's rarest and most unusually colored dolphins discovered

Speckles, a patchy black-and-white dolphin stunned researchers from the University of the Sunshine Coast, who were on Whale Heritage Site Hervey Bay.

Mutant wolves roaming Chernobyl Exclusion Zone have developed cancer-resilient abilities: study

The Chernobyl wolves are exposed to 11.28 millirem of radiation daily for their lifespans -- more than six times the legal safety limit for humans.

Long-held belief that bugs are attracted to light disproved in new study

Drawn like a month to a flame -- or not actually?

Lifelike Einstein, Hawking could be college lecturers thanks to groundbreaking hologram technology

College students may soon be able to attend lectures given by long-dead pioneers like Albert Einstein and Coco Chanel thanks to groundbreaking hologram technology, according to a report.

Ancient zombie viruses trapped in Arctic ice could unleash deadly new pandemic

Scientists are devising strategies for averting a catastrophic global health emergency that could be triggered by ancient viruses hiding deep beneath layers of melting Arctic permafrost.

Federal scientists want to ease restrictions on marijuana, citing medical benefits

The scientist argue that the drug isn't as prone to abuse as other Schedule I drugs, such as heroin, and have potential to medical benefits.