siena college

NY Gov. Kathy Hochul's popularity dips to lowest level ever: poll

Her numbers are even sagging below those of President Joe Biden, who 42% of respondents viewed favorably.

Trump trails Biden by just 8% in NY — surge of support among black, Jewish voters

Donald Trump is within striking distance of President Biden in a new poll of NY voters -- with the former president boosted by gains among black and Jewish support.

Suburban voters stand by Hochul’s congestion pricing pause: poll

Of the statewide respondents, 45% said they supported Hochul’s decision to pause the $15 daily toll on drivers entering Manhattan below 60th Street.

Hochul's approval rating falls over NY's cost of living, crime, migrant concerns

New York Republican voters were more than twice as likely to sound the alarm about the influx of migrants in the state, while Democrats told pollsters they were worried about...

Nearly 70% of NY voters say Biden not fit to serve another term: poll

Nearly 70% of voters in blue New York believe 81-year-old President Biden is unfit to serve another four years in the White House, according to a new poll released Tuesday.

A squeaker! Tom Suozzi with slim lead over Mazi Pilip in race for Santos seat: poll

Democrat ex-Rep. Tom Suozzi leads Republican opponent Mazi Pilip by a razor thin 4 points in the Feb. 13 special election to replace expelled Congressman George Santos, according to a...

NY's Siena College under fire for inviting California professor who claimed Zionist doctors are threat to US medicine: 'Unmistakably antisemitic'

Siena College is coming under fire for inviting a medical professor to speak on campus despite her claiming that Zionist doctors could pose a threat to US medicine and public...

Eric Adams wins: Data prove 'tough love' works amid NYC migrant crisis

Mayor Adams instituted a 30-day limit (60 days for families with kids) on migrants in shelters. And guess what? Fewer than 20% of the migrants who had to reapply for...

Biden's lead over Trump evaporates to 9 points in NY amid migrant crisis

A new poll released Tuesday found the 80-year-old Democratic incumbent was only ahead by 46-37% in a head-to-head matchup against Donald Trump in deep blue New York.

82% of NYers say migrant influx serious problem: poll

A whopping 82% of New York voters said the unrelenting influx of migrants to the state is a serious problem -- and a strong majority now say it's time to...

41% of New Yorkers have 'never' been this concerned about their safety, new Siena poll finds

Crime is top of mind for most New Yorkers, as a majority are concerned they’ll soon be a victim, and 41% have "never" been so on-edge about their own safety,...

Mayor Eric Adams scores nearly 50% approval rating from NYC voters

Forty nine percent of registered voters in the city said they have a favorable opinion of Adams when asked by Siena College pollsters, in a new study released Tuesday. 

NYers overwhelmingly support bail changes ahead of state budget deadline: poll

The survey of 802 registered voters shows that public opinion remains on the side of Gov. Kathy Hochul as she pushes to change current bail laws despite legislative resistance.

Hochul gets low marks on NY crime — and even worse on affordability in poll

Voters disapprove of how Gov. Kathy Hochul is handling of affordability issues even more than her performance against rising crime.

Zeldin must court Hispanics to try and overcome gender gap vs Hochul: experts

The Siena College poll released Tuesday shows Hochul with 59% support among women to 33% for Zeldin, the Long Island congressman, while they split the male vote evenly.

New poll flashes warning signs for Democrats this November

Just 35% of respondents say President Biden is doing a "good" or "excellent" as president while 37% and 25% respectively say New York state and the country are heading in...

Fed-up independent voters could influence Dem's continued rule in NY: survey

New York's disgusted registered independent voters could cause a "political earthquake" in elections this fall -- including the governor's race.

No-cash bail law a bust, NY voters demand changes: Poll

An overwhelming majority of New Yorkers say the no-cash bail law has contributed to the spike in crime and should be overhauled, according to a study released Monday.

Majority of New Yorkers support vax mandate for school teachers, staff: poll

A majority of New Yorkers support mandatory COVID-19 vaccination requirements for teachers and other school employees, as well as indoor mask mandates, according to a new poll.

Most New Yorkers want Cuomo to resign or not seek re-election, poll shows

Nearly two-thirds of New York voters would rather Gov. Andrew Cuomo resign from office immediately or not run for a fourth term, according to a new Siena College poll released...