
These 6 things are draining men of their vitality — Here's how you can get it back

Surveys have shown that less than half of men consider their physical, mental and sexual health as excellent or very good — but they don’t have to settle for functioning...

Don't let stress get you down — here are 4 signs your body needs a break

According to recent research, the biggest stressors of daily American life are finances (52%), current events (37%), health (37%) and relationships (29%).

Sex has unique health benefits for chronically stressed moms, study finds

Stressed-out moms are getting new orders from the love doctor.

Moving or losing a job: Which is more overwhelming?

A recent survey of 2,000 Americans who have moved in the last five years investigated the overwhelming task of moving and found more than a few startling answers to some...

Survey reveals simple step most Americans should take to improve their mental health

According to the research, the biggest stressors of daily American life are finances (52%), current events (37%), health (37%) and relationships (29%).

The 'Anger Professor' reveals best ways to get your temper under control

Here's how to keep your cool when you'd rather blow your top.

Pregnancy stress can lower IQ of boys before they're even born, new study warns

Stress during the later stages of pregnancy can lower the intelligence of boys before they're even born, warns a new study.

This is a free and easy way to beat stress, experts say

You may want to give this breezy way to fight stress a try.

5 tips to try if you're super stressed out at work

There's one essential question to ask yourself.

Crying at the gym is completely normal — and could benefit you

Some people put blood, sweat, and tears into their workouts — emphasis on tears.

Do men or women get better sleep? Docs have an answer

Stealing some shut-eye might be a lot harder if you’re a woman, according to experts.  Women are more likely to report poor sleep quality and insomnia, while men are more...

Don't go ballistic — study reveals how anger can increase heart attack, stroke risk

For the sake of your blood vessels, don't B negative.

Upstate NY DA Sandra Doorley says she was stressed at work before cursing out cop over speeding ticket

The upstate New York district attorney under fire for berating an “a–hole” cop who pulled her over for speeding apologized on April 29 — and blamed her caught-on-camera outburst on...

I'm a veterinarian — the profession is facing a mental health crisis

Being a veterinarian is ruff job.

Toxic social stigmas bisexual, lesbian women face about sexuality likely leading to earlier deaths: scientists

Bisexual and lesbian women die sooner than heterosexual women, according to researchers. 

Fitness expert shares 5 yoga and Pilates exercises to help release stress from your body

A California-based Pilates instructor shares how the child's pose and more can help relieve stress.

I'm a health coach — here are 5 ways you can reduce stress in your life

These tricks work in a pinch.

8 bad habits that you need to break -- unless you want to age faster: experts

We can’t slow down time — but we can slow down its effects on us, according to experts.

I’m a doctor — patients won't stop asking about these 2 adaptogens

These allegedly magical supplements come up again and again.