
How an all-out war between Israel could rope in the US and other countries

Starting with Hamas’ invasion of Oct. 7, the Iranian-backed Hezbollah in Lebanon launched an utterly unprovoked assault on the Galilee.

Gunman attacks US Embassy in Lebanon, ignites firefight with troops: army

A gunman fired shots at the US Embassy in Lebanon on Wednesday and was wounded in an exchange of fire with troops, the Lebanese army said.

Repatriated NYC woman charged with completing ISIS terror training in Syria, using an AK-47: feds

A US-born woman whose family was just repatriated from Syria is accused of completing ISIS training -- including how to fire an AK-47 assault rifle -- when she was just...

Israel's response is just a start in stopping Iran’s reach

Israel’s retaliatory strike Thursday night against Iran was remarkably restrained.

Israel 'badly miscalculated' how Iran would respond to assassination of top general, US officials claim

The Israelis initially did not think Iran would lash out in response to the airstrike, according to a report.

Hooray for Israel! Now Biden should back Israel's response vs. Iran — no ifs, ands or buts

Israel, with the help of allies, took out 99% of the 300-plus attack drones, cruise and ballistic missiles Iran fired at it over the weekend. It's a stunning victory!

Israel bracing for Iran to attack within the next two days: report 

Tehran has vowed revenge against Israel over an airstrike last week in Syria, which targeted an Iranian diplomatic complex in the capital city of Damascus. 

Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander killed in reported Israeli airstrike

Mohammad Reza Zahedi was said to be in Damascus to meet with members of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group.

Disney bows to DeSantis, focus on Iran in Syria, Lebanon and other commentary

“It is rare to see the kind of conservative victory” that Gov. Ron DeSantis scored, notes Jeremiah Poff at the Washington Examiner -- Disney “settled a lawsuit."

Israel hits Syria in deadliest raid on Iran proxies in months

Israel carried out its deadliest strikes in months on northern Syria's Aleppo province early on Friday and said it killed a senior Hezbollah commander in Lebanon.

NYCHA's disgraceful corruption ring: Letters to the Editor — Feb. 10, 2024

The Issue: Charges against 70 NYCHA employees for allegedly accepting $2 million in bribes.

At least 6 Kurdish fighters killed in drone attack on Syrian base housing US troops

A drone attack on a base housing US troops in eastern Syria killed six allied Kurdish fighters late Sunday, in the first significant attack in Syria or Iraq since the US...

Biden response strikes only a distraction unless they target, destroy top Iranian military leaders, capabilities

We should not be impressed by the administration’s assessment of how American bombs took out ammunition dumps, intelligence facilities, radars and command and control centers controlled by militias, and Iraqis,...

US strikes in response to drone attack kill at least 39 in Iraq and Syria as Iran fumes

The US trikes targeted over 85 areas linked to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) and related militias.

Biden finally strikes back — too little, too late

Late Friday afternoon the US military began strikes in response to the attack that killed three US soldiers the weekend before.

US launches retaliatory strikes in Syria, Iraq — just two hours after Biden honored soldier deaths

The US military struck back late Friday at Iran and its proxies in Syria and Iraq in retaliation for a drone attack that killed three US Army soldiers in Jordan.

Border security can’t wait, Biden's deadly weakness and other commentary

Expect “border talk to dominate” this week, predicts National Review’s Jim Geraghty. For good reason: “Government must be able to determine” whom to let in and whom not to."

Biden's got blood on hands after appeasing Iran for years

President Biden has for three years obsessively pursued a dangerous and naive strategy toward Iran: Appeasement at any cost. Three American service members paid that cost in blood this weekend...

As Iran-backed militias attack Americans, Biden tries to save Tehran terrorists

Many words describe President Biden’s Iran policy. “Craven,” “weak,” “obsequious” and “embarrassing,” among others, come readily to mind.

Iran-backed narco-terrorists are making billions and widening the war in the Middle East

Jordan’s narco-battles have received scant attention but are part and parcel of Iran’s multifront offensive against the United States and its allies across the region.