teachers union

UFT boss Michael Mulgrew threatens to blow $600 million hole in NYC finances

If United Federation of Teachers boss Michael Mulgrew and the Municipal Labor Committee back out of their Medicare Advantage deal with the city, costing it $600 million a year, their...

Biden's California fundraiser: Letters to the Editor — June 19, 2024

NY Post readers discuss ex-Prez Barack Obama leading President Biden offstage at major fundraising event.

School choice a GOP weapon as voters reject teachers unions

Last month, Republicans running for office who were either backed by teachers unions or spoke out against school choice lost big in their primary elections in Idaho, Kentucky and Texas.

NYC tries to blame remote school failures on students with summer guilt trip

Remote school was, is and always will be a disaster. Why are NYC public schools and David Banks so fixated on it?

Chicago Teachers Union's $50B demands include pay hikes, abortions, and migrant accommodations -- at $2K per migrant

The incredible demands are being made despite its members delivering underwhelming results for its students, with only 21 percent of the city’s eighth graders being proficient readers, according to the last Nation’s...

NYC teachers union's lawyers blast MTA's decision with setting June 30 start date for controversial $15 congestion toll

The lawyers for the teachers' union lawsuit seeking to block the first-in-the-nation congestion pricing scheme sent a letter to a federal judge flunking the MTA's announcement that the new $15...

Albany just chose to play politics with NYC schools — at our kids' expense

Parents, children and everyone who cares about education should be raising hell and demanding the Legislature revisit this issue before the end of the school year.

Comeback kid Andrew Cuomo needs to show real contrition for his many, many sins

Former Gov. Andrew Cuomo appears to be seeking a political comeback, yet to pull that off, he'll need to show real contrition for his many sins while in office —...

The class-size law is about to cause misery for countless city public-school families

A new state mandate that's starting to phase in could have devastating consequences for unsuspecting families who will be apply to schools next year.

If Albany doesn't extend mayoral control of schools, many NYC students are doomed

Their No. 1 priority? Eliminating mayoral control of our schools.

NYC teachers in transit deserts fear congestion pricing: 'City doesn't care about Staten Island'

"I don’t want to leave but I’m not making enough to stick with the congestion prices," said teacher Carly Bianchini who lives on Staten Island but works in Manhattan.

Teachers' unions should stop claiming credit for COVID classroom wins

The American Federation of Teachers and Chicago Teachers Union are falsely insinuating they got kids back into classrooms during COVID.

Democratic elites hate charter schools BECAUSE they perform better and give disadvantaged kids a chance

Black charter-school students outperformed their district counterparts by 19 percentage points in English and 27 percentage points in math.

NYC charter school students outscore public school peers on state English, math exams

New York City charter school students outscored their counterparts in traditional public schools on the state's grades 3-to-8 English and math exams last academic year.

School fight! Teachers union sues Mayor Adams over school budget cuts

The teachers union claims Adams broke the law by imposing $550 million in mid-year spending cuts to the public school system as the city grapples with a migrant crisis.

Biden's war on Musk, Ohtani’s sweet tax scheme and other commentary

From the right: Biden’s War on Musk President Biden “is employing agencies of the federal government to harass and punish Elon Musk . . . because the mercurial entrepreneur has the temerity...

Randi Weingarten lies, lies and lies again about closing schools during COVID

Randi Weingarten, American Federation of Teachers president, repeated the lie that teachers “unions worked hard to reopen US schools for safe in-person learning beginning back in April 2020.”

Teachers' union boss blames math test slide on COVID — after fighting to keep remote learning

AFT President Randi Weingarten tangled with Presidents Trump and Biden over plans to fully reopen schools in 2020 and 2021 — and now blames COVID for the slump in math...

Why Dems alienate working class, Sandra Day O’Connor, RIP and other commentary

Liberal: Why Dems Alienate Working Class “The key schism” at the “heart of dysfunction within the Democratic Party and the U.S. political system more broadly is between professionals associated with...

Florida teachers’ union accused of strong-arming educators to join in effort to boost lagging numbers

An American Federation of Teachers-affiliated union in Miami-Dade County, Fla., has been hit with a pair of complaints accusing officials of coercing educators to join up in a bid to...