teachers union

It's not migrants — saving New York City requires union concessions

It’s a transparent attempt by Adams to lock in big labor’s support for his own mayoral reelection — never mind that he’s selling out city residents.

The New York Times discovers school-lockdown learning loss — three years late

It must be exhausting to work for The New York Times, to study the world like an army of Captain Renaults, suddenly "shocked, shocked!" to discover a truth everyone already knows.

Eric Adams needs to cut budget fat, not cops, to avoid fiscal disaster

Mayor Eric Adams is planning to reduce the number of cops to early 1990s level as part of budget cuts needed thanks in large part to the migrant crisis, but...

Regents push to make a NY high-school diploma worthless

The state Board of Regents is indeed moving to kill New York's gold-standard "Regents Diploma."

Teachers kick off strike in Portland, Oregon, over class sizes, pay and resources

Teachers in Portland, Oregon, walked off the job on Wednesday for the first day of a strike that shuttered schools for some 45,000 students in Oregon’s largest city.

Union boss Weingarten thinks you're a racist if you want good schools for your kids

Randi Weingarten is now backpedaling something she previously said claiming that she was just making an innocent comment about “language” rather than actually accusing anyone of being racist.

Teachers union honcho likens parental rights, school choice supporters to segregationists 

National teachers union boss Randi Weingarten likened the rhetoric of supporters of school choice and parental rights initiatives to that of segregationists.

Teachers union chief calls private schools 'fascist' but sends her son to one

Stacy Davis-Gates has long bragged about how her children go to the Chicago public schools, but recently got outed as sending a son to a prestigious private Catholic school on...

Biden sold out to teacher union head Randi Weingarten after vowing to reopen schools during COVID: book

President Biden caved to teachers unions during the COVID-19 pandemic and broke a campaign promise to get kids back in school within his first 100 days in office.

Biden is flailing, how Ukraine wins and other commentary

A CNN poll shows that 70% of Democrats “have serious concerns about whether Biden . . . is up to the job of president” and 67% “want a different candidate.

A lesson in why small class sizes don't matter

A 2018 review of 148 reports from 41 countries concluded that smaller classes had “a very small” effect on reading proficiency and no effect on math, despite the enormous outlays...

'I Have a Dream' turns 60: Dr. King would be proud of America's progress

America is achieving King’s dream — despite the claims of the radical left.

The left just can't get over its love of (harmful) lockdowns

The deadly strains of the virus have been gone for two years now and yet the recent outbreak of a mild flu-like variant is again stoking panic on the left...

Teachers union challenge to new Success Academy charter schools tossed

The powerful United Federation of Teachers argued that the city's new class-size regulations prohibit the network from offering classes in two Queens and Brooklyn facilities.

UFT's latest attack on Success Academy charters puts kids in real jeopardy

The UFT’s move is beyond outrageous, but the judge is also to blame for failing to toss this case sooner. He could do parents, kids and staff a world of...

Plunging kindergarten enrollment highlights what's driving kids out of NYC schools

The charter cap has left tens of thousands of parents on waiting lists. Many, no doubt, must thus leave the city altogether. Worst of all? As the new numbers suggest,...

Even with fewer kids in NYC schools, spending keeps rising

If you want to know why New York City shells out so much more per student on its public schools than any other big city in America, consider the latest...

UFT harm to city kids and more: Letters to the Editor — July 23, 2023

Post readers sound off on NYC's teachers union, fentanyl scourge, RFK's COVID rant and more.

Failing schools predate COVID, prez’s unstoppable loan forgiveness and other commentary

The latest “appalling” scores on the National Assessment of Educational Progress in reading and math “highlight long-term trends that extend back to the 1970s,” observes Larry Sand at City Journal.

End court’s homeless meddling, the ‘Bidenomics’ delusion and other commentary

The US Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit isn’t “the only reason why cities across the West Coast have been overrun with plague-infected homeless camps,” but it’s “a big...