
Iran's death sentence for rapper shows how far it'll go to squelch dissent

There’s no length Iran won’t go to in order to quash dissent. Murder included.

Israel's response is just a start in stopping Iran’s reach

Israel’s retaliatory strike Thursday night against Iran was remarkably restrained.

Hooray for Israel! Now Biden should back Israel's response vs. Iran — no ifs, ands or buts

Israel, with the help of allies, took out 99% of the 300-plus attack drones, cruise and ballistic missiles Iran fired at it over the weekend. It's a stunning victory!

Iran is preparing to murder a hip-hop artist for committing . . . music

In 2022, Iran had a 22-year-old woman murdered for improperly wearing a hijab and now, it’s preparing to have a 33-year-old killed just for rapping about it.

Iran has upped its cyberattacks: It's time for Biden to strike back

Iran has dramatically stepped up its cyberattacks against the United States since Oct. 7, prompting little to no response from the White House.

Cindy Adams looks back on her horrifying brush with terrorism during the Iranian revolution

The Post's Cindy Adams was in Iran during a terror attack and uprising in August 1978 — leading to an exclusive interview with Shah Reza Pahlavi.

Iranian proxies attack more US troops in Syria — as Blinken launches new crucial Mideast tour

Iran-backed terrorists launched two more attacks on US and allied troops in Syria over the weekend, according to officials — as US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Saudi Arabia.

Americans killed on Biden's watch: Letters to the Editor — Feb. 1, 2024

The Issue: The Saturday drone attack in Jordan that killed three American soldiers, injuring 34. The inevitable has happened: Iranian proxies killed three American soldiers and wounded scores of others...

Biden's got blood on hands after appeasing Iran for years

President Biden has for three years obsessively pursued a dangerous and naive strategy toward Iran: Appeasement at any cost. Three American service members paid that cost in blood this weekend...

US takes out Iran-backed militia chief who led attacks on forces

The precision strike in Baghdad targeted a vehicle carrying Mushtaq Taleb al-Saidi, a high-ranking commander of Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba.

President Biden must face reality: It's time to act vs. Iran

The latest escalation against the USS Carney and three other ships, one British-owned, did not arrive in a vacuum.

Iranian teen injured on Tehran Metro while not wearing a headscarf has died

Iran’s state-run IRNA news agency reported Geravand's death, without noting the wider unrest surrounding the headscarf law.

Top Iranian Pentagon aide keeps security clearance despite 'spying for Tehran' accusation

An Iranian-born Pentagon official is to keep her top-level security clearance despite being named as part of a covert influence campaign run by Tehran -- and being called a "spy."

Hold Iran to account for Mahsa Amini's murder (and other horrors) when UN meets next week

One year ago, Iran's police arrested Mahsa Amini as a few strands of her hair were flowing free of her hijab and died 3 days later leading to a year...

Hackers interrupt Iran president's speech marking 44th anniversary of revolution

Hackers broke into the online broadcast of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi's speech Saturday marking the 44th anniversary of the nation's revolution.

Female protesters in Iran shot in faces, breasts and genitals, medics say

Doctors and nurses who have been treating protesters in Iran said it appeared that security forces have been targeting specific body parts in women, firing on their faces and genitals...

Niece of Iran's Supreme Leader urges world to cut ties with Tehran

"O free people, be with us and tell your governments to stop supporting this murderous and child-killing regime," Moradkhani said.

Iranian-American freed on 1-week renewable furlough after 7-year imprisonment

An Iranian-American businessman imprisoned in Tehran for nearly a decade is getting out on a temporary furlough, his lawyer said Saturday.

Attack on Iran police station kills 19, including 4 from elite revolutionary guard

Among the dead were four members of Iran's elite revolutionary guard members, Iran's state-run IRNA news agency reported Saturday.

How the US can roll back Iran — without going to war

One cannot know when that spark arrives in Iran — perhaps it has already — but now is the time to intensify pressure on the regime, roll back its footprint...