
Woman's toilet stall rule sparks online debate

Sometimes - usually when sitting on the toilet - people think of some of their best ideas. Like this one woman, who felt so strongly about public toilet etiquette, that she decided to...

This popular tourist spot installed timers on its toilets: 'It felt like I was being monitored'

A screen above each stall either displays the word "empty" when the stall is unoccupied or the amount of time the door has been locked.

NYC to add dozens of new public restrooms -- but more relief may be needed

The administration announced a five-year effort — dubbed "Ur in Luck" — to add 46 bathrooms across the five boroughs and renovations of 36 of the existing public restrooms.

18-year-old charged with overturning port-a-potty, trapping a mom and her daughter inside

A New Hampshire man is facing charges after police say he knocked over a portable toilet containing a woman and child who became trapped inside.

Gender-neutral toilets are the dirtiest of all: study

Researchers collected 480 samples from six types of bathrooms — male staff, female staff, male patient, female patient, disabled, and unisex — in three hospitals.

We made a freaky discovery while cleaning the toilet in our 700-year-old home

UK couple Rory and Tracy Vorster realized every child's worst nightmare after discovering a "monster" underneath the toilet of their 700-year-old home.

Tokyo's fascinating public toilets all the rage as tourists take hours-long treks

Along with taking in temples and cherry blossoms, Tokyo visitors can now join a curated pilgrimage of the city's more modern wonders -- public bathrooms.

Man, 76, bitten by toilet rat is hospitalized with organ failure due to bacterial infection

This real-life mutant sewer rat turned out to be far less friendly than the cartoon version known to lurk through the Big Apple sewers with his four turtle sons.

Two-toilet bathroom will make you do a double take

Not every occasion needs eye contact. A woman was shocked to stumble upon a bathroom with two toilets facing each other. She called the bizarre sight "things you see in...

We use our recycled poop to cook food in our tiny off-the-grid shed

“No, our burgers don’t taste like poo,” insisted the doo-doo DIYer. “And no, our kitchen doesn’t smell like sewer.”

Mom's outrageous toilet training act in public park leaves onlookers furious: 'Genuinely revolted'

A recent story shared on a Facebook group page has brought to light the toilet training stage, which sparked a range of opinions from commenters.

Why you should never hover over a public toilet

A doctor reveals the hidden dangers of not sitting properly on a public toilet- sorry!

Should you flush with the lid open or closed? Experts have a new theory

This study flushes away all doubts.

I'm a pooping expert — here's why men take so much longer to go than women

Going number two is a man's #1 priority.

Fast-food customer sues Dunkin' Donuts over 'traumatic' toilet explosion

He'll skip the chocolate glaze.

My boyfriend didn't use toilet paper — so I dumped him

Her relationship had hit swamp-bottom.

Mystery as toilet 'belches,' inundates woman's new apartment with 'mountain of foam'

The woman said when she called a professional in, he was "fighting for his life" against a "mountain of foam that did not stop rising."

My ex refused to give me toilet paper when I needed it — so I dumped him

What a poopy reason to get dumped.