
Oblivious UCLA protesters call for 'intifada,' decry 'genocide' but can't define either, video shows

"What's worse? Students knowing what they chant, or NOT knowing what they chant?" political commentator Cam Higby asked.

'Fat liberation,' decolonization rants and pro-Palestinian chants have no place in medical school

The David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA should be tasked with educating great doctors of tomorrow — not an army of social justice warriors with stethoscopes.

Mandatory UCLA medical school 'Structural Racism and Health Equity' course says weight loss is 'useless'

Among the materials for the "Disability Justice" session include an article by Marquisele Mercedes, titled "No Health, No Care: The Big Fat Loophole in the Hippocratic Oath," which says "fatphobia...

UCLA race and equity director —and Meghan Markle 'stan' — spreads conspiracy that Kate Middleton's cancer is fake

Jonathan Perkins, a Meghan Markle "stan" and director of race and equity at UCLA, claims that Kate Middleton's cancer is fake.

UCLA med school forced students to attend lecture of Hamas supporter who blasted modern medicine as 'white science'

Lisa “Tiny” Gray-Garcia gave a two-hour long lecture entitled “Housing (In)justice in LA: Addressing Unhousing and Practicing Solidarity” at the medical school’s Geffen Hall last week, according to a complaint...

UCLA medical student says left-wing ideology 'laced through all four years' of school

UCLA medical school pushes future doctors to become climate activists, leaked class assignments purport to show.

UCLA students batter Bibi piñata to chants of 'Beat that f---g Jew!'

Pro-Palestinian students at UCLA were captured on video battering a piñata bearing an image of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – to the chant of “beat that f---g Jew!”

Colleges see clashes between Israel and Pro-Palestine protesters — here's where major institutions stand

College campuses across the US have become flashpoints as groups protest and clash over the reaction to Hamas' Oct. 7 terror attack on Israel.

Hawley asks DOJ to probe student groups for terror ties

Sen. Josh Hawley is asking the Justice Department to investigate whether university student groups that supported Hamas in the wake of its deadly terrorist attack against Israel are receiving funding...

UCLA profs' panel calls Israel 'settler colonial society' of 'brutal occupation'

The optional panel "Emergency Teach-In On The Crisis in Palestine" was offered to UCLA students this week, and one of professor said the panel "did depict Israel as a settler...

ChatGPT has graduated from 'smart' high-schooler to college level IQ

GPT-3 scored around 80% correct on IQ questions — "well within the range of the highest human scores" as the average person only got about 60% accurate.

Spending big on failing schools, proof of race preferences’ harm and other commentary

Why are Clarence Thomas' Yale credentials questioned “but not Bill Clinton’s or Hillary Rodham’s,” two fellow Yale Law grads? Because of “affirmative action, which has made people suspicious of black...

UCLA gynecologist who sexually abused multiple patients learns his fate

Dr. James Heaps was convicted in October of three counts of sexual battery by fraud and two counts of sexual penetration of two patients.

Let’s get organized on guns and 'deal with mass shootings beforehand,' ex-NYPD commish

“Many shooters post intentions on social media beforehand. Companies already have algorithms that identify objectionable posts. Why not the same for a potential mass shooter?”

Moon caves could provide shelter for astronauts

Moon pits formed by volcanic activity could offer an oasis from the rollercoaster temperatures for astronauts.

UCLA student Brianna Kupfer was stabbed 26 times during murder: autopsy

Brianna Kupfer, 24, was working a shift at Croft House on Jan. 13 2021 when Shawn Laval Smith, 31, allegedly began lurking around the store before leaving and coming back.

UCLA to pay record of nearly $700M in doctor abuse lawsuits

The settlement followed previous deals with hundreds of other patients who said Dr. James Heaps groped them, made suggestive comments or conducted unnecessarily invasive exams during his 35-year career.

Ex-UCLA lecturer facing charges for threat-laced video, 'manifesto'

A former UCLA lecturer was slapped with federal charges for emailing students and faculty a threatening video that temporarily shut down the college’s campus this week.

UCLA department cancels in-person classes after apparent mass shooting threat

A former lecturer at UCLA appeared to post a troubling video and a manifesto that referenced race and a mass shooting-- prompting the university’s philosophy department to cancel in-person classes on Tuesday, according to...

Homeless man accused of killing UCLA grad student was once arrested for biting a cop

The homeless man who allegedly killed 24-year-old UCLA graduate student Brianna Kupfer was busted for biting a cop while being taken into custody outside San Francisco last year and should...