
Couple spots mysterious 'sun-like' glowing UFOs: 'Yo, I think we’re seeing some aliens'

"Yo, I think we’re seeing some aliens,” Justin Stevenson said as he shot the jaw-dropping footage.

Large sun-like UFOs spotted in Canada: 'I think we're seeing aliens'

"Yo, I think we're seeing some aliens! For real!" In Fort Alexander, Canada, Justin Stevenson and his wife, Danielle, were stunned to see several balls of orange light hovering over...

'Mysterious' monolith appears in Las Vegas desert, baffling locals

A "mysterious monolith" has appeared in a desert north of Las Vegas. 

Aliens might be living among us disguised as humans -- or in a base inside the moon, according to new Harvard study

A new paper suggests extraterrestrials could also be living underground or in a base inside the Moon.

UFO captured zipping through the sky during Blue Angels airshow over New York beach

In bizarre footage obtained by TMZ, a small sphere flew past the Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornet over Jones Beach on Friday.

Las Vegas alien video shows at least 2 'beings' using 'cloaking' device: 'I'm opening it up to peer review'

There are at least two "beings" using some sort of "cloaking device" that landed in a Las Vegas backyard, a veteran crime scene reconstruction analyst said. 

Groundskeeper discovers mysterious space object along hiking trail: 'It's not from up here'

“It’s a one in a million chance that it lands, especially if it landed somewhere off the trail in the woods you’d have never found it but it just happened...

Possible UFO over NYC baffles passenger flying into LaGuardia

An airplane passenger took flying saucer speculation to new heights when she spotted a possible UFO soaring above the Big Apple — baffling experts and sending federal aviation officials on...

UFO truthers converge on Chuck Schumer's NYC office to celebrate humankind's 'ET moment'

A gathering of UFO believers touched down on Third Avenue Thursday afternoon to thank Sen. Chuck Schumer for his efforts in passing UFO disclosure legislation.

UFO map reveals extraterrestrial hotspots across the US: Is your state on the list?

The Center, which operates off user-submitted reports of unidentified aerial phenomena, says nearly 113,000 alien sightings have been submitted between 2000 and 2023.

Couple snaps pics of 'flying saucer' on road trip

“I needed to see this in my life," Rina Juárez said.

Why the world is in the midst of UFO hysteria — from alien invasions to flying saucers

From Miami to Mexico, UFO-believers are finding evidence of extraterrestrial life all the time.

Hot pink 'UFO' whizzes past Poland-bound airplane, flight attendant video shows

Even aliens have caught Barbie fever.

This is what the two 'non-human' alien corpses found in Peru really are

The creepy, tiny "non-human" mummified remains found in Pery over the summer spurred dozens of alien conspiracy theories.

This is the only form of alien life that could come to Earth: Harvard scientist

A renowned astrophysicist is calling foul on reports of alien sightings in Earth's atmosphere, arguing that biological creatures would be unable to survive a journey to our planet.