union dues

New York Times, Condé Nast union lawyers up after leaders' anti-Israel tweets

The NewsGuild of New York, which represents journalists at The Times, Reuters and Condé Nast, hired outside lawyers to investigate staff and associate tweets about "Zionist butchers."

Taxpayer-funded union dues: California's toxic idea is spreading

Both Michigan and Delaware recently proposed California-like tax credits for union dues, which, in effect, force taxpayers to subsidize Democratic candidates and policies.

Send Ukraine tanks, endless, bipartisan political grift and other commentary

A look at takes involving global issues like the Ukraine War and more local issues like New York's public-union corruption.

What makes a union decide to shrink: Avoiding accountability

One of New York’s top public employee unions just ejected 100 members. The goal: to escape federal oversight. The Public Employees Federation did nothing illegal in shedding its only private-sector...

PBA says no members were lost after Supreme Court ruling

The Patrolmen's Benevolent Association is disputing a report by the Independent Budget Office that said it lost hundreds of dues-payers after the Supreme Court ruling in June that allowed municipal workers...

More than 11,000 city employees quit paying union dues after court ruling

More than 11,000 city employees jumped at the chance to stop paying union dues after a landmark US Supreme Court decision in June gave them that option, according to a...

Teachers file suit over forced union dues

Teachers across New York state are being illegally forced to cough up union dues — even if they’re not members, according to a new class-action federal lawsuit. Gov. Cuomo signed...

State budget lets unions deny some services to workers who don't pay dues

Hey, Big Labor, Albany’s got your back. A provision tucked into the state budget gives public-employee unions the right to deny many services, such as free legal help, to covered...

Public-sector unions are just racketeering outfits

How does a public-sector union work? Easy. First, the state creates a monopoly. The monopoly forces taxpayers to fund those workers, whether they do a good job or not. The...

The left's pathetic case making public workers pay union fees

The US Supreme Court heard oral arguments Monday challenging laws in 22 states and the District of Columbia that force public employees to pay unions to represent them, even if...

NY unions scrambling to lock up members before the Supremes give them choice

The US Supreme Court will hear oral arguments Monday in Janus v. AFSCME, a landmark case that could end the mandatory payments public employees make to unions. For union-dominated New...

Supreme Court case could deal major blow to unions in New York

On Monday the US Supreme Court will hear Janus v. AFSCME. At issue are the constitutionality of laws in 22 states — including New York — that force public employees...

UFT may have to dramatically slash $182M budget

The United Federation of Teachers is drafting plans to dramatically slash its $182 million budget — anticipating a Supreme Court ruling that would bar mandatory deduction of union dues from...

Looming setback for public unions would be a political earthquake

With Bush v. Gore, the Supreme Court took on the outcome of one election. But the case heard by the Supreme Court on Monday could affect elections for many years....