us border crisis

Immigration takes center stage in contested Montana US Senate race

Montana has one of the longest shares of the U.S. border with Canada of any state. However, it’s the other border – nearly 1,000 miles away – that is becoming...

Election officials in all 50 states urged to halt non-citizen voter registration: 'Time to act is now'

A conservative legal group fired off letters to officials in every state in the country Monday urging them to enforce existing laws that prevent non-US citizens from registering to vote or...

Trump's more trusted than Biden on immigration among Latino battleground voters thanks to Joe's open-borders disaster

Turns out Latino voters don’t behave like the caricatures that far-left Democrats created to justify their monstrous open-borders policies.

New Yorkers' extreme discontent with Democrats' 'politics as usual'

New York's dominant Democratic-progressive establishment basically ignored the voter anger exposed in the 2022 elections — and the voters have noticed.

MSNBC panel erupts after Heritage prez blasts crime committed by illegal migrants: 'We don't use the term'

Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts said that his first objective is to "close the border," followed by "the biggest mass deportation system ever in the history of America."

Trump rips Biden for 'unsafest border in history of the world' at packed Philadelphia rally

"We had the safest border in the history of our country. Now we have the unsafest border in the history of the world."

Biden admin’s amended rules for asylum seekers challenged by lawyers for migrant children

There has been a surge in unaccompanied minors arriving at the border since 2014. Last year, border officials arrested 130,000 migrant children.

Alleged NYC child rapist arrested: Letters to the Editor — June 22, 2024

NY Post readers discuss an illegal immigrant's arrest for the sexual assault of a 13-year old girl in a Queens park.

MS-13's sick lawsuit scam is enabled by a perfect storm of bad NY laws

The scam goes like this: MS-13 members recruit "victims," then coach them on how to fake an accident on a street or worksite.

Conservative border hawks slam Trump’s college green card vow for foreign students: 'Cockamamie'

"You graduate from a college, I think you should get automatically, as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country" Trump said on...

Left-wing media try to cover up Joe’s obvious mental decline, DHS boss Alejandro Mayorkas pretends Biden’s shown ‘leadership’ and more

MSNBC host Nicole Wallace claimed that videos showing President Biden's mental decline are "highly misleading and selectively edited."

Biden's new amnesties show his 'border crackdown' was smoke and mirrors

President Biden announced two "reforms" that would streamline legalization for some DACA recipients and half a million illegal immigrants who are married to US citizens.

Retired border chief says immigration crisis even threatens this far-from-the-border state

The immigration wave at the southern border is a crisis of national security, and Michigan is not exempt from its effects, a recently retired Border Patrol chief says.

42,000 migrants have crossed the border since Biden's executive order — and thousands are still being released into the US

Some 42,000 migrants have illegally crossed the border from Mexico in the days since President Biden’s “crackdown” took effect, The Post can reveal.

Put 'sanctuary city' on the ballot so NYC voters can halt the migrant crime crisis

Your kids aren’t safe even in broad daylight. Last week, an Ecuadorian migrant held two 13-year-olds at knifepoint in a Queens park as they walked home from school.

Trump and Republicans sound alarm on 'rapists' and 'murderers' as Biden announces amnesty program: 'It's by design'

Today, the Joe Biden administration announced the "Parole in Place" plan to provide mass Amnesty to over 200,000 foreign nationals who entered the United States illegally.

Judge blocks Iowa law allowing state authorities to arrest and deport migrants 

The Biden administration sued Iowa over the new law last month, arguing that the federal government has “exclusive authority under federal law to regulate the entry and removal of noncitizens.”

Abortion not a factor as Arizona GOP Rep. Ciscomani leads in competitive race

Incumbent Republican Rep. Juan Ciscomani is leading in the race to win one of the most competitive districts in the entire country, a new survey shows.

Rachel Morin's family 'convinced her killer has more victims' in the US because of 'gaps in time' between crimes

"Something we've been concerned about is that there are other victims out there … whether they were attacked and it ended the same way as my sister, or maybe there...