us embassy

Gunman attacks US Embassy in Lebanon, ignites firefight with troops: army

A gunman fired shots at the US Embassy in Lebanon on Wednesday and was wounded in an exchange of fire with troops, the Lebanese army said.

Bipartisan $1.2 trillion spending package bans pride flags from all U.S. embassies

The flying of pride flags at US embassies had been debated between Democrats and Republicans for years.

Gang leader named 'Barbecue' is now most powerful man in Haiti -- as US evacuates Americans

Some claim that the rifle-wielding 47-year-old mobster's nickname comes from his penchant for setting his victims on fire

US warns of likely 'imminent' terror attack in Moscow after authorities thwart synagogue plot

The alert said Americans in Moscow should avoid concerts and crowds.

Bahamas travel warning issued in wake of 18 murders so far this year

Think twice about a tropical getaway to the Caribbean this winter.

US warns against using dating apps in Colombia after suspicious deaths of 8 US citizens in 2 months

The Embassy in Bogotá said criminals are using dating apps to "lure victims" to meet in public places to then assault and rob them and sometimes kill them.

Iran-backed militias strike US Embassy in Baghdad, Middle East military bases: 'Cannot be justified'

Iran-backed militias fired a barrage of rockets at the US Embassy in Baghdad on Friday -- as enemy groups also launched strikes on American forces in Iraq and Syria, according...

Hundreds waving Palestinian flags swarm US embassy in Beirut ahead of Biden’s Israel visit

One man scaled the US embassy to plant a Palestinian flag as fellow ralliers cheered him on from below.

Crikey! US Embassy ripped for embarrassing attempt at Australian lingo

Aome suggested the person behind the US Embassy Twitter account was likely a “troll” who deliberately built a list of bogus slang in a bid to rile up Aussies.

How embassy architecture changed the world

It may sound odd to visit an embassy for leisure rather than a lost passport. But in the Cold War era, these American complexes in foreign lands were also public...

US orders evacuation of some embassy staff, families from Niger

The United States ordered the evacuation of some staff and families from its embassy in Niger after military officers seized power there, the State Department said on Wednesday, even as the mission...

Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich marks 100 days in Russian prison

Evan Gershkovich is "in relatively good spirits" as he passes his 100th day in a Russian jail on bogus accusations of espionage, the Journal's editor-in-chief said.

Ex-US consulate worker detained in Russia for 'conspiracy'

Robert Shonov, a former employee at the US consulate in Vladivostok, has been jail in Moscow's Lefortovo prison where Evan Gershkovich is being held.

US reopening visa and consular services at embassy in Cuba

The United States Embassy in Cuba is reopening visa and consular services Wednesday, the first time it has done so since a spate of unexplained health incidents among diplomatic staff...

Ukrainian embassies receive 'bloody packages' containing animal eyes: Kyiv

Several Ukrainian embassies abroad have received "bloody packages" containing animal eyes, the foreign ministry said on Friday after a series of letter bombs were sent to addresses in Spain.

Letter bomb discovered at US Embassy in Madrid, latest site to be targeted

The US embassy in Madrid was on high alert Thursday after receiving what is believed to be a letter bomb -- just one day after a similar package burst into...

US Embassy in Moscow warns Americans to flee Russia to avoid draft

The State Department issued the security alert amid Putin's efforts to draft Russians to bolster his flagging army seven months after invading Ukraine. ​

Letters to the Editor — June 19, 2022

New York Post readers sound off about mask hypocrisy at the Tonys, racist standards, BLM’s flag folly and the college cash grab.

State Dept. dumbing down its diplomat applications

Critics say changes to the Foreign Service application process could have troubling implications for national security.

US reopens Ukraine embassy as tide turns against Russian invasion

The State Department reopened the US embassy in Kyiv on Wednesday, more than three months after shutting down operations ahead of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.