
Preparing for your next summit? This combat veteran shares how to pick the perfect hiking pack

These top-rated hiking packs won't break your bank or your back.

Abandoned Marine died alone at nursing home — then hundreds of strangers showed up to his funeral

Former Marine Gery Brooks' burial was marked by a 21-gun salute, a pilot who performed a flyover, a motorcycle escort and full honors.

Trump rips Biden ‘amnesty’ plan for rewarding ‘sham marriages’ as ‘veterans are dying on the street’ 

“All an illegal alien has to do is sign up for his new program – it's a sham marriage or college degree – and they can expect amnesty and taxpayer...

103-year-old WWII veteran reveals his secret to longevity as he celebrates birthday

A Pennsylvania World War II veteran celebrated his 103 birthday earlier this month, calling it the greatest day of his life, while he shared the secret of his extraordinary longevity....

Nevada vets weigh Trump-Biden choice as they pack Las Vegas Raiders’ home field

Vets were happy to speak about their service even in the 100-plus-degree heat at Vegas’ annual Day of Gratitude held Saturday, but many weren’t ready to commit to voting Trump...

Biden's speech commemorating D-Day: Letters to the Editor — June 10, 2024

NY Post readers discuss President Biden’s remarks during a speech honoring the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings.

Biden ends French D-Day anniversary trip by honoring US war dead, drawing contrast with Trump

President Joe Biden closed out his trip to France by paying his respects at an American military cemetery that Donald Trump notably skipped when he was president.

WWII vet, 100, marries 96-year-old sweetheart near D-Day beaches days after 80th anniversary: 'We get butterflies ... and a little action'

“It’s not just for young people, love, you know? We get butterflies. And we get a little action, also," the bride said.

Vulnerable Dem rep continues trend of disparaging constituents by branding vet a homophobic bigot

Rep. Susan Wild has locked her personal Facebook account after slandering as homophobic a veteran she apparently met at a Memorial Day event.

House lawmakers recreate parachute jump into Normandy to mark 80th anniversary of D-Day

Geronimo! Nine members of the House of Representatives, all military veterans, did their best impression of the Screaming Eagles Friday, recreating the daring parachute jump by US troops into Normandy,...

102-year-old WWII vet from NY dies traveling to France for D-Day commemoration

Robert Persichitti, of Fairport, NY, passed away in a hospital in Germany last Friday after suffering a medical emergency, a veterans organization said. He was 102.

Prince William leads D-Day ceremony as he steps in for cancer-stricken King Charles

The Prince of Wales, 41, arrived at Juno Beach in Normandy on Thursday where he met with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal.

US 'soldier of fortune' charged in Florida double-murder after extradition from Ukraine: feds

US Army vet and international mercenary Craig Austin Lang is charged with killing a couple in Florida and falsifying passports in North Carolina and Arizona.

Dozens of World War II vets -- including 107-year-old -- fly to France ahead of D-Day anniversary

The trip will culminate on June 6 with ceremonies on Omaha and Utah Beaches, two of the Normandy landing sites for the Allied forces.

Ex-Louisiana news anchor helps raise $220K for 90-year-old vet pushing shopping carts to make ends meet

“I think it’s great,” he said in an Instagram video Swensen posted online. “At my age it’s probably a miracle.”

NYC's 'Hot Dog King' and disabled Vietnam vet has cart shut down again, claims city out to get him

"This is not the first time they did it, but this time it's right in front of the Memorial Day weekend," vendor Dan Rossi said, adding the timing of this...

Food truck nonprofit helps veterans get their culinary chops

Foley said the program is self-paced and “completely hands-on. If you have the drive, if you have the ability and you care about it, we’re going to get you to...

Why military spouses are also Memorial Day heroes

Military spouses suffer from vast levels of economic insecurity; getting them jobs helps keep America defenses in order.

Katy Perry emerges as the official owner of a $15M California home after a years-long legal battle

Her ownership of this Montecito estate had been hotly contested in court since 2020.

Biden claims 'We leave no veteran behind' — but vets lament that's not always the case

An outcry of veterans and critics came forward and highlighted the bevy of American warriors who have been forsaken both on the battlefield and at home.