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NJ teen nails 'diabolical' headstand and split on stage at high school graduation

Most high school seniors look forward to tossing their caps and turning their tassels at graduation. She raised the bar.

KitKats slathered with ketchup is the latest bizarre food trend: 'This should be illegal'

Many people are grossed out by the strange combination, but others say not to yuck their yum.

There's a fight for phone calls in the workplace — employers are hiring pros to combat Gen Z workers' 'telephonophobia'

Bosses are attempting to revive phone calls in the workplace, despite Gen Z's "telephonophobia."

Users want to delete Instagram over the app's latest feature: 'Last straw'

"Let it be known to any Instagram executive here, this is a horrible decision if you go through with it," one critic wrote.

Viral $3.99 Trader Joe's tote bag is now reselling for $100 online

Trader Joe's is back with the next big mini trend: cooler bags.

Facebook is desperate to lure Gen Z — here's how they're doing it: 'Not your mom's Facebook'

Facebook execs presented their strategy for the "next 20 years" of Facebook at an event in New York City on May 31, focusing on Gen Z and artificial intelligence.

Gen Z has turned on tattoos — here's why they're forgoing pricey ink

Despite Gen Z and Millennials being the most-tattooed generations, they are the ones causing a "downturn" in demand for ink.

GQ's 1995 'overrated' pop culture list roasted 3 decades later: 'Wow, this really aged poorly'

"There's still a lot of mediocrity and outright crap out there that's getting a free ride ... But not here," the magazine wrote at the time.

Everyone says my dog looks exactly like Will Ferrell: 'Spitting image'

A 3-year-old fluffball has caused the internet to go into a frenzy over her remarkable resemblance to actor Will Ferrell.

Millennial sparks debate over Gen X managers' treatment of 'fragile' Gen Z employees

"You need to learn to work with younger people, especially different generations," she said. "Gen Z is more soft, more fragile, they want to work more collaboratively."

Excessive online engagement is causing 'social media-related nightmares,' experts say

Social media can be a literal nightmare.

Gen Zers are paying hundreds for dirty sneakers to show off their 'nonchalant attitude'

The shoe's "signature pre-scuffed style...has been done to demonstrate a nonchalant attitude rather than an unkempt aesthetic," one expert said.

Gen Zers are making up their own language with secret 'friend dictionaries'

Translating Gen Z lingo just got that much harder.

What is ‘sundress season’? Lusty Gen Z males start viral debate over women’s fashion

It's "sundress season," but no one seems to be able to articulate what defines a "sundress."

What to know about 'quiet vacationing,' the new work trend infuriating bosses

They're quietly restoring the work-life balance. Millennials have devised a new way to surreptitiously play hooky at the workplace -- quiet vacationing.