Weird But True

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Gym owner faked own death, posed as partner to claim nearly $500K insurance payout

The claim included a series of fabricated documents, such as a death certificate, a Coroner’s Court of WA delegate letter, and an investigation record into a death, all of which...

'Simpsons' did it! Reel life three-eyed fish discovery echoes cartoon prediction from 1990

The animated sitcom has seen into the future — again.

Ex-Disney employee reveals 'dumbest' guest question ever: 'This left me speechless'

Disney might be the most magical place on Earth, but the magic doesn't start until you actually get there.

Invasive Asian 'mystery snail' surfaces in Georgia, experts issue warning over parasite-carrying insect

Escarg-no! It's spreading at a lot faster than a snail's pace.

Haute heat: Bride's wedding dress catches fire mid-ceremony

Mostly every woman wants to look hot on her big day — but this bride’s dream went up in flames. 

Woman sues boyfriend after he fails to drive her to the airport

The unnamed woman had asked her boyfriend to pick her up so she could catch her flight but he didn’t turn up and as a result she missed her flight.

I eat raw bull testicles every day to boost my testosterone — haters say I'm insane

It takes guts to do this extreme eating experiment.

'Once-in-a-lifetime' interstellar explosion will be visible from Earth this summer: NASA

NASA has predicted that a "once-in-a-life-time" star explosion -- or nova -- will be visible to the naked eye sometime this summer.

Gen Zer says she's so attractive it doesn't matter that she's homeless: 'If you’re hot, don’t ever pay rent'

“I can’t believe I’ve been wasting my money on rent all this time. Life hack: If you’re hot, don’t ever pay rent,” she announced online.

'Crazy plane lady' filmed flying airplane one year after 'not real' meltdown

"Went from freaking out on a plane to flying one," Tiffany Gomas wrote.

I wound up in the hospital on my wedding day — don't make the same mistake I did

“At the time I was really upset we missed out on it,” she said. “But now I've been able to look back and kind of laugh.”

Mummy's unearthed coffin features 'unreal' depiction of beloved 'Simpsons' character

The resting place was discovered late last year in a 3,500-year-old cemetery in Minya, Egypt.

ALDI customer's horrifying 'fight schedule' discovery on store floor: 'I thought it was a shopping list'

An ALDI shopper recently stumbled upon a note on the supermarket floor that was far from what he expected.

Man walking his dog unearths unexpected discovery on the beach

The dog walker was on a stroll at Foxton Bay in Northumberland, located in North East England, when he spotted unusual pits near the shore.

Clues of bloody Biblical battle between angel of God and 185K invading soldiers uncovered in Jerusalem: new research

A newly discovered archaeological site may provide evidence of Biblical truth.

I thought a stalker was leaving creepy notes around my house — the real source was even scarier

Following this breadcrumb trail may have led to a saved life.

Bikini-clad barista smashes angry customer's windshield with a hammer after he threw $22 coffee in her face

One detractor described the hammer-holding barista as a "felon," but another declared her "a national treasure."

Our caterer bailed just hours before our wedding — you wouldn't guess who came to the rescue

A bride and groom turned to a local restaurant when their caterer came down with E. coli.

I accidentally consumed 1,000 calories — by licking envelopes for my wedding invitations

Wedding planning’s got her licked.