Summer Street Apartments


The Department of Housing serves as the State's lead agency for housing, homelessness, and community development in the State of Rhode Island (RIGL 42-64-34).

Highlighted Initiatives

  • HUD PRO Application: Rhode Island was recently awarded more than $4 million from HUD to address the housing crisis in the state. 
  • State Housing Plan (Housing 2030): statewide housing planning process where Rhode Island will come together to set concrete housing-related goals. 
  • SFRF Dashboard: A dashboard on housing related projects funded by State Fiscal Recovery Funds (SFRF). Click box below for the Dashboard.

What's New?

Notice of Funding Opportunity:

Public Comment OPEN:

  • 2023 Consolidated Annual Performance & Evaluation Report (CAPER) DRAFT- Click the box below for additional information.


APRA Request Form

Contact Us

Rhode Island Secretary of State

Department of Health(RIDOH)- Rental Registry 

Experiencing homelessness? - All referrals must be made by contacting the Coordinated Entry System (CES) directly. Please call (401)-277-4316 or click the box below.