
Tim Feran

Tim Feran

Tim Feran is a native of Cleveland and a graduate of Harvard University. For more than 40 years he has been a professional journalist, first at the Lorain Journal, then for 30 years at The Columbus Dispatch, and currently as a freelance writer. He lives in Columbus with his wife, Maryellen O’Shaughnessy, Franklin County Clerk of Courts.


This volunteer spent a week validating Ohio petition signatures. Here’s what he observed

By: - July 18, 2024

The seven-day epic is over. And, having validated signatures on petitions for the Franklin County Board of Elections for a week, I can say that several things stood out. First, it seems pretty likely that Ohioans will have a chance to vote for redistricting reform in November. Most of my week was filled with validating […]


An inside view from a Voting Location Manager on Tuesday’s election in Ohio

By: - November 13, 2023

“I’ll be honest. I’m here for the weed.” So said one of the voters who showed up on Tuesday at the polling location in Columbus I had volunteered to manage. Yeah, he was all in for Issue 2. His comment wasn’t much of a surprise to me and the hard-working team of volunteers who were […]


Ohio election workers crack the whip to validate petitions for November ballot issues

By: - July 18, 2023

Now that he’s retired, Indiana Jones might want to volunteer as an election worker.  While he won’t get into any car chases or fist fights, his expertise at deciphering hieroglyphics would be put to good use validating signatures on ballot petitions. At least that was my experience last week as I worked the night shift […]


Primary Day observations from a first-time poll worker

By: - May 13, 2022

Conspiracy theorists need to know something: Election day poll workers aren’t part of some vast secret cabal dedicated to tilting elections. They are just like us. No, more than that. They are us. I should know — because during the May 3 primary I became one of them. In past years the phrase “working the […]