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Hubble Studies a Potential Galactic Merger

This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image features the dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 5238, located 14.5 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Canes Venatici. Its unexciting, blob-like appearance seems to resemble an oversized star cluster more than a classic image…

Sols 4248-4249: Lunch at Fairview Dome

Earth planning date: Wednesday, July 17, 2024 We started our day at an outcrop called “Fairview Dome,” a light-colored rock so big that it can easily be seen from orbit! We have had our eye on Fairview Dome since Curiosity…

New Evidence Adds to Findings Hinting at Network of Caves on Moon

An international team of scientists using data from NASA’s LRO (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter) has discovered evidence of caves beneath the Moon’s surface.

The Earth Observer Editor’s Corner: Summer 2024

NASA’s third EOS mission—AURA—marked 20 years in orbit on July 15, with two of its four instruments—MLS and OMI—still collecting quality datasets.

The Earth Observer’s 35th Anniversary

Welcome to a new era for The Earth Observer newsletter! Our 35th anniversary also marks the official public release of our new website. Over the past year and a half, The Earth Observer has migrated from a print publication (the last printed issue was November–December 2022)…

Registration Opens for the 2024 NASA International Space Apps Challenge

NASA invites innovators, technologists, storytellers, and problem solvers to register for the 2024 NASA Space Apps Challenge, the largest annual global hackathon.

NASA: Life Signs Could Survive Near Surfaces of Enceladus and Europa

Europa, a moon of Jupiter, and Enceladus, a moon of Saturn, have evidence of oceans beneath their ice crusts. A NASA experiment suggests that if these oceans support life, signatures of that life in the form of organic molecules (e.g.…

Summary of the 2023 Sun – Climate Symposium

Introduction Observations of the Sun and Earth from space continue to revolutionize our view and understanding of how solar variability and other natural and anthropogenic forcings impact Earth’s atmosphere and climate. For more than four decades (spanning four 11-year solar…

An Ancient Partnership: Co-Evolution of Earth Environments and Microbial Life

NASA-supported scientists have examined the long and intricately linked history of microbial life and the Earth’s environment. By reviewing the current state of knowledge across fields like microbiology, molecular biology, and geology, the study looks at how microorganisms have both…

The Next Full Moon is the Buck or Thunder Moon

The Next Full Moon is the Buck or Thunder Moon; the Hay or Mead Moon; Guru Purnima; Asalha Puja (aka Dharma Day or Esala Poya); and the start of Vassa.  The next full Moon will be Sunday morning, July 21,…

Science Activation’s PLACES Team Facilitates Second Professional Learning Institute

The NASA Science Activation Program’s Place-Based Learning to Advance Connections, Education, and Stewardship (PLACES) team successfully led their second Professional Learning (PL) Summer Institute (SI) at Northern Arizona University (NAU) in Flagstaff, Arizona from June 11-13, 2024. The team led…

Discovery Alert: With Six New Worlds, 5,500 Discovery Milestone Passed!

On Aug. 24, 2023, more than three decades after the first confirmation of planets beyond our own solar system, scientists announced the discovery of six new exoplanets, stretching that number to 5,502. From zero exoplanet confirmations to over 5,500 in…


A-24-03-00-FMD               Audit of NASA’s Compliance with the Payment Integrity Information Act for Fiscal
Year 2023

This audit will assess NASA’s compliance with the Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019 that seeks to reduce improper payments across federal agencies.


None Currently


A-24-02-00-MSD NASA’s Compliance with the Geospatial Data Act for Fiscal Year 2024

This audit will determine how well NASA is managing geospatial data—that is, information about the geographic location and characteristics of objects on or near the earth’s surface—in accordance with the Geospatial Data Act of 2018.

A-24-04-00-MSD               Audit of NASA’s Awards to Small Disadvantaged Businesses

The objective of this audit is to assess NASA’s practices for encouraging small disadvantaged businesses to participate in contracting and determine whether controls are in place to ensure awards are made to eligible recipients.

A-24-01-00-MSD               Evaluation of NASA’s Information Security Program under the Federal Information
Security Modernization Act (FISMA) for Fiscal Year 2024

In accordance with FISMA requirements, we are reviewing NASA’s information security program and reporting the results to the Office of Management and Budget.

A-23-05-00-MSD               Audit of NASA’s High-End Computing Program

The OIG will assess NASA’s management of its High-End Computing Program, including processes and controls related to the Program’s policy framework, capacity planning, stakeholder engagement, and cybersecurity.

A-23-04-00-MSD               Audit of NASA’s Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Engagement

The OIG will evaluate whether NASA is effectively implementing engagement and outreach activities to attract a diverse Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) workforce.


A-23-13-00-SARD NASA’s Management of its Rocket Propulsion Test Program

We’re looking at NASA’s management of assets and capabilities that use chemical rocket propulsion to ensure effective and efficient use of taxpayer funds.

A-23-12-00-SARD Audit of the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Project

We will assess whether this project is meeting cost, schedule, and technical goals, while managing risks.

A-23-11-00-SARD              Audit of NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services Initiative

We’re assessing how effectively NASA is implementing and managing its Commercial Lunar Payloads Initiative.

A-23-01-00-SARD              Audit of the Mars Sample Return Mission

This audit will evaluate NASA’s management of the Mars Sample Return mission relative to established cost, schedule, technological goals, and risks.


A-23-14-00-HED NASA’s Management of the Mobile Launcher 2 Project

NASA’s contract for Mobile Launcher-2 has rocketed to over $1 billion. This audit examines actions the Agency is taking to control future cost growth and schedule delays.

A-23-08-01-HED NASA’s Management of the Space Launch System Block 1B Development

This audit will examine NASA’s management of the next iteration of its Space Launch System heavy-lift rocket known as Block 1B.

A-23-10-00-HED                 NASA’s Management of Risks to Sustaining ISS Operations through 2030

This audit will evaluate NASA’s plans for sustaining the ISS through 2030 and safely de-orbiting it.

A-23-08-00-HED                NASA’s Management of Artemis IV and Future Missions

This audit will examine NASA’s development of space flight systems for its Artemis IV and future missions.

A-23-07-00-HED                Audit of NASA’s Readiness for Its Artemis II Crewed Mission to Lunar Orbit

This audit will examine NASA’s plans and progress toward achieving its Artemis II goals.