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ONS Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Hierarchy

What is this?

Use the selection system below to navigate to the Standard Occupational Classification of relevance to you. Start with the highest level (Major Group), and click on the plus sign next to the most relevant section to you to show the next level of the hierarchy (Sub-Major Groups and Minor Groups) until you find your appropriate code (Unit Group). If you wish to know more about any level of this process, click on the text for further information about it.

If you want help finding your SOC 2010 code, try using the Occupation Coding Tool.
If you know your SOC code and want to find your NS-SEC code, you can use the NS-SEC Coding Tool.

If you have any questions, or would like to comment, please contact the Occupation and Social Classification Helpdesk.

The SOC Hierarchy

Use these links to show all groups or to hide all groups.

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Content�from the Office for National Statistics.
� Crown Copyright applies unless otherwise stated.