Level: 100

Ransomware refers to a business model and a wide range of associated technologies that bad actors use to extort money from entities. They gain unauthorized access to their victims’ data and systems, then restrict access to the data and systems, and make a ransom demand for the “safe return” of these digital assets. Security teams are ramping up measures to prevent and mitigate the effects of ransomware. There is no single solution or quick fix to mitigate ransomware, but with AWS, you can use a range of security capabilities to build a strategy to help protect your organization. Join AWS expert, Megan O’Neil as she discusses the top 10 best practices for ransomware protection. You will earn how to gain unparalleled visibility into your AWS environment, as well as the ability to update and patch efficiently, to seamlessly and cost-effectively backup your data, to templatize your environment, and how to rapidly return to a known good state.

Learning objectives

  • Better understand roles and responsibilities for ransomware security in AWS.
  • Select security services you can utilize to protect your environments.
  • Learn how to plan and execute your recovery from a ransomware event.

Who should watch?

Security Practitioners, Data Protection Teams, CISOs, and Security IT Leaders


Megan O'Neil, Principal Security Solution Architect, AWS


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