Celebrity News

Krysten Ritter: Becoming a Hooters girl was a lifetime achievement!

Krysten Ritter is on the verge of stepping outside that “where do I know her from” box and entering the “OMG, it’s Krysten” area thanks to her next project, “Vamps.” The film reunites Alicia Silverstone with her “Clueless” writer/director Amy Heckerling as the trio put a new spin on vampire lore.

But before Krysten becomes synonymous with the word “fang” she’s getting another f-word out of her system: f***. In “She’s Out of My League,” Krysten plays Patty — the f-bomb dropping, soul crushing, romance killing BFF of Molly, who dares to date outside her “number.”

However, to hear Krysten tell it, the act of having a sexual rating assigned to you is almost as horrible as the re-rating that friends and family feel required to offer up.

PopWrap: Is it true that you guys basically filmed two different versions of this movie?

Krysten Ritter: It is! We went in thinking it would be an R-rated film, but as we were going the studio thought it might make a better PG-13 one, so we basically shot a lot of different versions if every scene — sometimes, 13 different ways. We’d do an R-rated version, a TV version and improv takes, so we really didn’t know what was going to make it in.

PW: And what do you think of the end result?

Krysten: I’m so proud of how funny it is. You never really know what you’re going to get because the stars have to align and so often they don’t. I will say, this is one movie though where I’m really excited to see the bloopers!

PW: Well, some of your “plane doctor” footage has already come out!

Krysten: Oh god, I was just coming up with so much stuff that day — it was one of those things where you just start improvising and everyone has a good time shouting, “try this one!” That poor guy put up with it all day, he really endured it.

PW: I must say, I can’t imagine a PG-13 version of this movie with your character in it because she has a filthy mouth!

Krysten: It’s so true! That’s another thing — we didn’t know if that would fly. Originally my character was written as fat and ugly. Seriously, that’s what it said on the page. And there were a lot of jokes about her weight in the original version, so when they cast me, I thought, “they’ll change this, right?” I kinda felt like we had a moral obligation to never make a joke about me being fat because it would be so wrong. But we worried the studio would feel that it wasn’t attractive for “pretty” girls to say the F-word. But I really wanted to keep that element of the character and in the end, we did.

PW: So, you just walked into the producers offices and said, “f*** that, I’m cursing!”

Krysten: [laughs] F*** that! Exactly. I guess I won in the end!

PW: In real life are you much of a swearer?

Krysten: I try not to because they say, you curse when you can’t think of anything more interesting to say. But when I’m around children, I notice them slipping out all over the place. I have a baby sister and she’s always giving me the hairy eyeball.

PW: The marketing for the movie has become all about getting rated — what did you think of the system when you first read the script?

Krysten: You know, it didn’t really stand out to me. Yes, it’s become the marketing hook, but it didn’t feel like anything huge when I read the script.

PW: What do you think of it as a concept?

Krysten: I don’t like being rated — but what I really don’t like is being re-rated! The movie gave me a 7 but my friends keep going, “oh, we think you’re a 9!” It’s like, you know what, the re-rating is worse! Let’s just not talk about it.” [laughs]

PW: Another interesting marketing tool you got to participate in was become an honorary Hooters girl.

Krysten: Oh my god, that was so much fun! We got plaques and the uniform. And you should know, Alice [Eve] and I are the first girls to be made honorary Hooters girls. For them it was a publicity stunt, for me, it was a lifetime achievement!

PW: I didn’t realize it was “the goal” for you, Krysten.

Krysten: It’s very exciting — Hooters is a huge, international brand. I’ve never worked there but my writing partner and I have an idea that’s set at Hooters, so for me, it was like coming full circle.

PW: So do you get free wings for life, or something?

Krysten: Nope. Just the plaque and uniform. But that’s fine, I think it’s pretty sexy. And now I have a Halloween costume ready for the rest of my life [laughs].

PW: You strike me as someone who revels in the dress up side of this profession.

Krysten: Oh yea, we play dress up every day, can get married more than once — in my case, five times — and it’s really fun. It’s a perk you have to enjoy because this business isn’t always glamourous, so you have to enjoy those moments when you are. I think it’s fun. I just did an 80’s project called “Killing Bono” and we really went for it because that takes place in Europe during the 80’s, so my hair was enormous!

PW: One of your upcoming films — “Vamps” — has already drawn a lot of attention because it reunites Alicia Silverstone with “Clueless” writer/director Amy Heckerling. Excited?

Krysten: Are you kidding, I’m the farm girl who ran home every day after-school to watch “Clueless” on repeat. Amy and her movies are so iconic to me, so I’m really excited that I get to star in her next movie.

PW: How would you describe this modern day vampire story?

Krysten: It’s very funny. Has a little bit of pop culture in it, is very irreverent and is really quick. But not scary — it’s a comedy.

PW: As someone who by your own admission, adored “Clueless,” is it hard to put that fan girl aside when you meet stars like Alicia?

Krysten: I appreciate it when I meet people like that and I think you have to do that every day. It’s so important not to get a big head in this business. I grew up in a small town and my life could have been very different, so I try to recognize that every day.

PW: What would that other path have been if you weren’t discovered by a model scout in a mall?

Krysten: I had no idea. And I think that’s a very dangerous place for teenagers to be. When you’re in a small town, you’re encouraged not to think outside the box or to dream big. I remember going to my school’s career day and there were these lists — dental hygienist, occupational therapist. Now, they’re all wonderful jobs, but I didn’t fit into any of those boxes.

PW: So what do you tell young people who feel that the only box they fit in is acting?

Krysten: I always tell people that it’s a long haul, and if there’s anything else you think about doing, do that! Otherwise, buckle up and have some endurance because so often it’s baby steps.

“She’s Out of My League” is now in theaters!

Photo: Getty Images; Paramount; The CW