Celebrity News

Tracey Emin’s new NYC home

British superstar artist Tracey Emin plans on making Manhattan her second home, now that she’s bought an apartment in New York. Emin is celebrating her first US solo museum exhibition, “Angel Without You,” which features her iconic neon text pieces, at MOCA North Miami.

She told us, “I am so excited about having my first solo show in America. It’s a bit scary, but I am really happy and proud.”

The artist, who lives in London but also has a home in Miami, told us at a signing of her accompanying book — also called “Angel Without You” — at the Fontaine­bleau in Miami, “London is my home. I feel like I know everyone and everywhere, but sometimes it can be bit suffocating. I’ve bought an apartment near Union Square. Most women my age — I’ve just turned 50 — are thinking about having grandchildren, but I am moving to New York and I feel like a teenager. Everything to me is new and exciting: going to the pharmacy, walking everywhere.”

Among those waiting to greet Emin was supermodel Elle Macpherson, who told us, “I am a huge fan of Tracey, as well as a friend.”