Celebrity News

Aoki heirs in battle with stepmother

Four children of the late Rocky Aoki, founder of the Benihana empire, claim their stepmom is trying to boot their lawyers from the case over Rocky’s $35 million estate.

The kids’ attorney, Faith L. Carter from law firm Holland & Knight, calls the move by widow Keiko Ono Aoki a “charade.”

As The Post’s Julia Marsh reports, Keiko says Holland & Knight — which represents Rocky’s children Kana (who goes by “Grace”), Kevin, Kyle and Echo — has a conflict of interest because the firm allowed the kids to loot $3 million from a trust fund when Rocky was on his deathbed in 2008.

Two more siblings — model Devon and Steve, a well-known DJ — are represented by a different firm.

Carter calls the claims “baseless” in papers filed in Manhattan Surrogate’s Court on Wednesday. “It’s a transparent tactic intent on depriving [the children] of legal counsel so [Keiko] may prosecute her objections against lay, pro se litigants,” she said in court papers.

In 2010, two years after Rocky’s death, the court awarded Keiko control over the $17.5 million family trust. The kids got a measly $29,400.

All six kids are appealing a 2013 ruling that awarded Keiko sole power over the fortune. A 2007 will gave her a quarter of Rocky’s estate and the ability to distribute the remainder to his heirs. Keiko’s counsel, Richard
Feldman, did not return requests for comment.