Cindy Adams

Cindy Adams

Celebrity News

Hugh Jackman’s ‘The River’ lures an A-list crowd

Circle in the Square stars Hugh Jackman. One-namers waded into “The River” for the hunky Hugh, not “The (shallow) River.”

Ellen Burstyn: “We filmed ‘The Fountain’ together” . . . Ivanka: “We’re friends five years” . . . Harvey Keitel: “I know him enough to know I have to come see him” . . . Carol Kane: “I came for my friend’s show.”

Donna Karan used a cane . . . Seinfeld asked, “Whaddya got?” instead of me asking him . . . Top BanAnna Wintour was first to pose for photos . . . Producer Sonia Friedman wore fake fox. After eight hits, why junk fur? “Because I like it.” OK.

Friends’ flowers got shoved into Hugh’s car. Matching the onstage action, actors exchanged wine and aprons as gifts.

And that’s how things were in Glocca Morra.

Bits and pieces

Foodie ­Mimi Sheraton, 88, still noshing, spent nine years writing Workman’s “1,000 Foods To Eat Before You Die.” Out in January . . .

Stephen Bogart gifted wedding guests with “Bogart’s Real English Gin.” Bogart’s bottle features Daddy’s photo, signature, “Never trust a man who doesn’t drink” saying, plus the label “Produced in association with the Humphrey Bogart Estate” . . .

Fur for all

Tony-winning press agent Irene Gandy, who reps B’way’s big hits, launched a 3 W. 57th fur collection. Affordable hats, scarves, purses, wraps, shearlings, jackets designed by furrier Mr. Pete . . .

Monica Seles booked D. Dinkins for her wedding to Tom Golisano. Only thing unconfirmed is — the date.

Let’s all talk turkey, shall we?

Thanksgiving. So Perdue wanted to know — in advance — my questions. Like, why? Like I could libel a drumstick? Finally, nice spokeslady Julie DeYoung told me:

“My niece kept a turkey in her backyard. It chased you if it didn’t know you. Curious, not well-behaved, they’ll peck your feet. One being pardoned by a president startled the president by trying to jump off his table.

“Considering they’re nobler than the bald eagle, symbolizing harvest for the pilgrims and Native Americans, Ben Franklin wanted them named national bird.

“Turkeys whom presidents pardon are more gentle. Hand-raised differently. Like, kids get near them, only 20 in a small pen. But dumb! They can look straight up into the rain and drown.”

Why are stupid people nicknamed turkeys?

“Because turkeys are dumb.”

In rehearsal

Sunday Dec. 7, 2 p.m. is my annual free-to-all, open seating, no reservations, Blessing of the Animals at 60th and Park Avenue’s Christ Church. No furry or feathered pets without parents; no parents without pets. Farm animals include Petunia the pig, who mightn’t like the church floor or crowded aisles. If so, she’ll squeal and won’t walk to the altar. So Petunia the pig, smarter than a turkey but more high-strung — used to hogging attention — arrives one morning this week for a private dress rehearsal. We’re hoping she’ll be pleased.

Hold the phone

Verizon: I don’t like you. My five lines are off all year. Only occasionally on. Faxes are as limited as your service. Fixers rummage in my basement, apartment, hallway, sidewalk — but fix nothing. My building’s in-house lines are also shot. Your spokesteam said management should use more of your systems. I’d call to offer my opinion — but I can’t use the phone. You’ve said the problem’s a main underground cable. So? Fix it!

Frankfurt Airport. Duty-free shop. Credit card owners must list their hometown. One foreigner wrote “Oslo.” The clerk, set on automatic, was bored. Next shopper, “Beijing.” Bored. A Manhattanite writes “New York.” She blossoms. Trills, “Ach, New York, New York. Give my love to New York.”

Only in Frankfurt, kids, only in Frankfurt.