Celebrity News

Colbert shares insight into pal Steve Carell’s serious side

Stephen Colbert said he’s not surprised Steve Carell — his former “Daily Show” comedic colleague — is being talked about as a potential Oscar contender in Bennett Miller’s dramatic “Foxcatcher.”

“I have known [Steve] for 26 years, probably longer than anyone else in this room, unless a member of his family is here,” Colbert said while making a toast at Sony’s Madison Avenue offices after the movie screened for VIPs.

Steve Carell in “Foxcatcher.”Everett Collection

Colbert added he’s known Carell since “The Second City [improv group], then at the long and lost ‘Dana Carvey Show’ and, of course, then at ‘The Daily Show,’ where we shared an office. I know that everyone is surprised by the performance that Steve is putting in this movie, but I’m not. I always knew that there was so much that Steve hadn’t shown people.”

Colbert also joked when he got a round of applause, “That’s the only reason I came here, thank you.”

The screening was hosted by Colbert with Julianne Moore and Lorne Michaels.

Moore’s also getting Oscar buzz for her role in Sony Pictures Classics’ “Still Alice,” which was one of the upcoming films pirated in a recent hack of Sony computers.

Also toasting Carell were Michael Barker and Christine Vachon.