Celebrity News

Colin Quinn hates the Fashion Week crowd

Colin Quinn — who complains about how politically correct New York’s become in his new Cherry Lane Theatre show — has another pet peeve about the city these days: Fashion Week.

“It’s every three weeks,” he told us at a party at A.O.C. for his show’s opening. “It’s always happening, and it just infuriates me. I’ve hated it since the beginning.”

The cranky comic added, “I don’t hate the designers. I hate everybody coming in for it and sitting in the [bleeping] audience, all the celebs . . . I don’t like fashion.”

He fumed: “I hate that speech in ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ where [Meryl Streep] goes, ‘You think you’re not into fashion,’ and she gives this stupid speech [about Anne Hathaway’s sweater] . . . It’s like so what?”