Emily Smith

Emily Smith

Celebrity News

Bloomberg salutes Ben Bernanke

Michael Bloomberg hosted a party for former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and his memoir, “Courage To Act.”

Wall Street’s elite fêted Bernanke at Bloomberg Philanthropies, with guests including NY Fed President Bill Dudley, JPMorgan Chase’s Jamie Dimon, Blackstone’s J. Tomilson Hill, former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, Evercore’s Ralph Schlosstein, Silver Lake Partners’ Glenn Hutchins, CNBC’s Steve Liesman and SkyBridge Capital’s Anthony Scaramucci.

Bernanke had just taped Stephen Colbert and quipped he’s in new territory promoting a book rather than saving the economy.

Bloomberg added, “Ben writes that I told him not to ‘screw up’ . . . but I think I used a different verb.”