Celebrity News

Azealia Banks gets booted from Twitter

After years of public feuds and an entire vocabulary of slurs, Twitter finally suspended rapper Azealia Banks‘ account on Thursday.

Banks, 24, had spats this week with former One Direction star Zayn Malik and 14-year-old Disney star Skai Jackson, and also took shots at Lady Gaga, Rihanna and Nicki Minaj.

Banks threw out a slur at Malik, who is part Pakistani, apparently angry with him after he dropped his music video for “Like I Would” on Tuesday, which Banks compared to imagery for her previous track “Chasing Time.”

Banks then turned her fire on Jackson, telling the teen that she needed plastic surgery, before digging into Gaga and Rihanna. Banks was previously tapped to feature on tracks with both superstars, though they later scrapped the efforts following Banks’ various PR nightmares.

Azealia BanksRedferns via Getty Images

At the end of her tirade, Banks deleted her entire Twitter history, then issued a half-hearted apology (captured by NME).

She explained that she tweeted at Malik to “remind him that we’re both in the same boat in this industry and people of color.”

As for attacks on Jackson, Banks insisted her insults were directed at the teenager’s mother, who she believed should be “trying to hone in on [her] daughter’s artistic skills rather than try and force this over-sexualized image of a little girl onto the public.”

Of course, it wouldn’t be an Azealia Banks apology without some stipulations. She added, “Big apologies to anyone who was offended by any of the things I said. Not sorry I said it. But sorry for the way I made people feel. Everyone except the targets of my tirades.”

Twitter has yet to comment on Banks’ suspension, though the terms of service make it pretty clear: “When an account engages in abusive behavior … we may suspend it temporarily or, in some cases, permanently.”

Listed among Twitter’s official rules are prohibitions against harassment and “hateful conduct,” which it defines as “promoting violence against or directly attacking or threatening other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability or disease.”

Banks attempted to create a new Twitter account on Thursday afternoon using the handle @azealiabanks_. After amassing 1,533 followers, Twitter suspended that account as well.