Celebrity News

Robert De Niro: Lenny Dykstra’s cocaine claims are ‘bulls - - t’

Wild man ex-Met Lenny Dykstra claims in his new tell-all that he and Robert De Niro once binged on cocaine together in St. Barts years ago.

But the “Raging Bull” star told Page Six that Dykstra’s story is “bulls - - t.”

In “House of Nails: A Memoir of Life on the Edge,” out from HarperCollins, hard-partying Dykstra recalls, “On another of my 30-day jaunts — when I was supposed to be in yet another rehab — I ended up in St. Barts.” Dykstra says he was downing a banana daiquiri at an island restaurant when “there was the ‘Raging Bull’ himself, sitting at the next table . . . One thing led to another, and the next thing I knew we were in the bathroom of his suite and it was powder [bleeping] city.”

Dykstra claims of De Niro, “This guy was a pro, dipping his finger in the coke and numbing his gums. I don’t even think he knew who the hell I was. I could tell he wasn’t a sports guy, but he sure liked hitting the slopes with me.”

The ’86 Mets World Series player adds in the book, “The next thing I knew, De Niro took half my blow. We went back to the restaurant, and he sent over a thousand dollar bottle of wine. He did this three nights in a row.” But Dykstra says the friendship was short-lived. “A couple years later, I ran into De Niro at his restaurant in Tribeca . . . and went up to him. ‘Hey, remember me?’ I asked. He gave me a look like I was an ugly redheaded stepchild . . . Celebrities, man.”

When we reached out to De Niro about the tale, he replied with a one-word comment through his rep: “Bulls - - t.”