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Ex-Washington Post TV critic sounds off

Tom Shales, the Pulitzer Prize-winning television critic who was forced out at the Washington Post in 2010 after 39 years, still takes every opportunity he can to bash the paper.

In a Facebook post on Friday, Shales wrote: “I’ll be homeless soon. After years of fighting it, the banks win again: Foreclosure sale of my house has been scheduled (for 3rd time) . . . thanks again to heartless scum at The Washington Post who set this all in motion.”

Shales’ Facebook bio is even a dig at the newspaper: “TV critic at the Washington Post for 35 years, until the cheap bastards decided I was too well-paid.”

He took a buyout in 2006, and continued as a contract writer at WaPo until 2010.

Earlier this month, he described the place as “an obscure, s - - t-shoveling, rot-riddled, slime pot of a ‘newspaper.’ ”

Shales, now 71, told us he hasn’t yet been foreclosed upon and that he does collect a pension. “I actually have more time to watch television than I did then,” he added, but, “It isn’t as much fun when you’re not getting paid for it.”