Celebrity News

Syrian refugees love Lindsay Lohan

After Lindsay Lohan unexpectedly live-tweeted the epic Brexit vote — urging citizens of the English town of Sunderland to vote “Remain” without exactly knowing where Sunderland was — she has turned her attention to a larger political stage, lobbying the UN Security Council to include Turkey.

Lohan was in Turkey visiting a camp for Syrian refugees this week, holding babies and even changing into a doctor’s robe to help with pediatric medical checks.

LiLo’s visit apparently has been a hit in the country, which saw an attempted coup in July.

Middle East news site Al-Monitor reported that “Lohan’s compatriot Angelina Jolie has visited the same refugee camps along the Syrian border several times, but she never elicited the gushing enthusiasm afforded Lohan.”

And “Lohan has waded into Turkish politics in a big way, spouting, among other things, one of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s worthier mantras: ‘The world is bigger than five’” — which is a critique of the UN Security Council.

Reported the Turkish Daily Sabah: “Lohan expressed support for Ankara’s call for a change in the structure of the international body for countries outside the five permanent members to have more of a say on international issues.”

Lohan’s gained fans for showing up to a press conference with a headscarf that an aid worker gave her. And she revealed on Turkish TV that she studied the Koran, though “They crucified me for it in America.”

Lohan recently split with Russian fiancé Egor Tarabasov, and there was speculation on social media that her new Turkish Mother Teresa act is because she’s dating a “pro-government Turkish billionaire.”

When Lohan was asked if she’s filming any movies, she said she “would be interested in working on a film about refugees.”
