Celebrity News

Wayne Newton comes to defense of ‘friend’ Donald Trump

Donald Trump will have one of Sin City’s biggest names in his corner on Wednesday night for the final presidential debate — none other than “Mr. Las Vegas” himself, Wayne Newton.

The 74-year-old crooner will join the billionaire as a guest at UNLV, describing Tuesday in a interview with WABC radio host Rita Cosby how he owes him a big “Danke Schoen” for his friendship and advice over the years.

“I hope I see him before the debate,” Newton said. “I consider myself to be that kind of friend, and he has been that kind of friend to me…I would like to give him the same advice, and that is: don’t be suckered in by your opponent and let her pull you into conversations that are beneath you. Stay with what’s important, and that is the American people.”

The Las Vegas headliner went on to defend the Donald, insisting that the sexual assault allegations he was being bombarded with in recent weeks were untrue.

“I have never seen him treat women in a derisive way in any form or fashion,” Newton said. “I have never seen him under any circumstances react in an irresponsible way toward a lady. I have never seen him say unkind things to a lady. I have never seen him say an unkind word to anybody. He is a fighter, that’s what he’s done his whole life, and unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on which side of the aisle you’re on, that’s what people are clawing into.”

Newton, who made a guest appearance on “The Apprentice” in 2013, said he believed the lewd comments Trump made about women in 2005 were a simple lapse in judgement.

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“The unfortunate thing that I understand that so many people don’t, is I have been the victim myself of walking into a studio and them putting a microphone on you, and then turning you loose for two or three hours to go do what you’re going to do,” Newton explained. “Unfortunately, he said some things he shouldn’t have said, but haven’t we all, OK? And don’t we learn the most from the things that we do wrong instead of the things we do right? He has learned from those things.”

Wednesday’s 90-minute debate will take place at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas at 9 p.m. ET. Chris Wallace, of Fox News, will be the moderator.