Emily Smith

Emily Smith


Hollywood wants to dramatize David Petraeus’ downfall

Hollywood moguls are vying for the TV rights to Jill Kelley’s memoir about the story behind the downfall of former CIA Director David Petraeus.

Kelley, a well-connected Tampa, Fla., political operative, penned the book “Collateral Damage: Petraeus, Power, Politics and the Abuse of Privacy,” about the four-star general who led the war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan before taking the top CIA post.

Kelley, the first honorary ambassador to the US Central Command Coalition, complained about menacing emails from Petraeus’ biographer, Paula Broadwell, sparking an FBI investigation that unleashed a huge political scandal that ultimately revealed Petraeus’ affair with Broadwell, forcing his resignation in 2012.

Insiders at President Donald Trump’s inauguration — attended by Kelley and her twin sister, DC attorney Natalie Khawam — said that George Clooney’s production company as well as Aaron Sorkin are vying for the TV rights to Kelley’s book.

One source said, “There are many explosive details about the Petraeus scandal that were never made public, but can be made public in the TV dramatization.” We’re told that Ari Emanuel’s WME is brokering the deal, and yet-to-be-revealed details about Petraeus and Broadwell are set to make the TV series a blockbuster.

Petraeus was among those under consideration for Trump’s secretary of state, before Rex Tillerson won the nomination.

Meanwhile, Kelley and Khawam mingled at the Liberty Ball on Friday night. The sisters were seen mingling with bigwigs such as Rick Perry, Gov. Rick Scott, Reince Priebus, Paul Ryan and Sheldon Adelson. Other guests included Floyd Mayweather Jr., Caitlyn Jenner and Mark Sanchez.

Kelley told Page Six, “There is a lot of interest in the television series about my memoir, but I can’t discuss anything, as we don’t have the green light yet. I will be in LA meeting with my producers in February.”