Celebrity News

Secret Service isn’t pleased with Madonna’s ‘blowing up the White House’ remark

WASHINGTON – Madonna’s rally speech to the Women’s March this weekend about “blowing up the White House” has gotten the attention of federal law enforcement — as the Material Girl insisted Sunday she meant no harm.

The US Secret Service, charged with protecting President Trump and his family, is aware of the comments and is investigating, according to the Gateway Pundit.

The “Like a Virgin” singer told hundreds and thousands of marchers gathered in Washington Saturday: “Yes, I’m angry. Yes, I am outraged. Yes, I thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House,” Madonna said, wearing a black “pussycat” cap.

“But I know that this won’t change anything. We cannot fall into despair.”

She concluded her F-bomb-laden speech with a positive message: “I choose love.”

The longtime pop queen said Sunday she wasn’t trying to incite violence and her remarks were taken “wildly out of context.”

“I want to clarify some very important things. I am not a violent person, I do not promote violence and it’s important people hear and understand my speech in it’s entirety rather than one phrase taken wildly out of context,” Madonna said in an Instagram post.

President Trump’s team Sunday bashed the pop icon’s comments Sunday, while declining to mention Madonna by name.

“One of the singers said she wanted to blow up the White House. I mean, can you imagine saying that about President Obama,” White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus told “Fox News Sunday.”

Kellyanne Conway, a senior White House aide, said Madonna should have spent her day giving some of her “hundreds of millions” to a women’s shelter instead of making “profanity-laced insults.”

“This is destructive,” Conway told ABC’s “This Week.” I read in an article or two that the Secret Service may be investigating that.”

A Secret Service spokeswoman declined comment Sunday. But public threats of any kind are routinely taken seriously.

One US official told The Post that Madonna’s statement will have be evaluated for its seriousness.

“It’s all about intent. Is she intending to do harm to the White House or President Trump? Otherwise it will be characterized as inappropriate,” the official said. “If it’s characterized as inappropriate, then there won’t be any discussions with the U.S. Attorney. If it’s determined that there’s intent on her part, then there will be discussions with the U.S. Attorney and they’ll take it from there.”