Celebrity News

Gwyneth Paltrow’s neighbors hate her, too

Gwyneth Paltrow’s plans to build a 14,000-square-foot mansion in Montecito, Calif., are even less popular than the jade vagina eggs she sells on Goop for $66.

“She’s created an uproar with neighbors on all three sides,” Andrew Rice, a spokesman for one neighbor, Michael MacElhenny, told me.

The neighbors say the new building is too big, too tall and incompatible with the adjacent houses, and it blocks their views.

Rice said Paltrow — who has owned properties in Amagansett, London, Malibu, Calif., and Los Angeles’ Brentwood area, where a complaint was filed against her for erecting an oversize 9-foot gate — has left “a trail of tears” on two continents.

“Michael and the other neighbors have tried to work with her, and they’ve gotten nowhere,” Rice said.

The Montecito Board of Architectural Review voted in favor of the plans last week when her architect claimed the house had been lowered 8 feet. Rice said the real shrinkage was just 1 foot and that the project was moving forward to the next step based on incorrect information.