Celebrity News

Mindy Kaling’s family mute about mystery pregnancy

Mindy Kaling’s mystery pregnancy has shocked her family and silenced
the brother she’s feuding with.

The talented 38-year-old actress isn’t known to have a boyfriend, and won’t reveal who the father-to-be is, leading to speculation she used an anonymous sperm donor.

“For family members who were hoping for a traditional marriage and a son-in-law, this was a shock,” one source told me.

Mindy’s brother, Vijay Jojo Chokal-Ingam, attacked Mindy last fall when he was promoting “Almost Black: The True Story of How I Got Into Medical School by Pretending To Be Black.”

Mindy Kaling and brother Vijay Jojo Chokal-Ingam.Left: WireImage; right: Almostblack.com

But he has no comment on her pending motherhood.

From 2005 to 2007, Kaling dated B.J. Novak, her co-star on “The Office,” who’s also appeared on her show “The Mindy Project,” and then dated Benjamin Nugent from 2008 to 2012.

Vijay told me last year things ended between Kaling and Nugent when she agreed to help Ben’s sister, Annie Baker, get an agent, but then secretly asked her connections at William Morris Endeavor not to represent her. (Baker has since become a Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright.)

“My sister has engineered similar public and private plots against her many frenemies in Hollywood,” Vijay said at the time. But now he’s keeping mum.

Kaling’s rep did not respond to a request for comment.