Cindy Adams

Cindy Adams


Emily Blunt horror flick filming at ‘haunted’ house

Paramount’s low-budget supernatural horror thriller “A Quiet Place” is coming upon us. We’re talking scary as hell. Stars Emily Blunt and husband John Krasinski, who also wrote and is directing it. Filming starts October.

The venue is an old, white, supposedly maybe haunted Victorian house surrounded by nothing. Upstate New York. On a quiet country road. Like real quiet. Even the neighboring bears and coyotes prowl on tiptoe. Surrounding grass is overgrown. Furnishings are moving in as we speak. The plot, kept quieter than the in-house ghost, deals with evil meanies terrorizing the inhabitants.

But don’t try to get near. Vehicles are forbidden. Crew cars only are allowed. Guards are stationed. Warning signs are posted. And the road’s closed.

Happens I know this house. When she was first lady of the Philippines it belonged to Imelda Marcos and subsequently became property of her son Bongbong.

The area develops a mist and with shadow and haze enveloping that house it becomes, as one associated with the film says: “Real spooky around here.”

Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble, the film opens come happy springtime.

Kards dating as athletic sport

The Kardashians. Small on talent, big on athletes.

Mama Kris? Her ex-husband Bruce must’ve hit home plate occasionally before he became Miss Caitlyn Jenner because it was a longtime marriage. And he was an Olympian. Kute Kim? Before earlier mate Kris Humphries had time to dribble she’d already counted him out. Khloé plays catch with NBA’s Tristan Thompson after giving the TKO to Lamar Odom, of whom you may have heard.

This brings up Kourtney, who is now in the ring with a boxer named Younes Bendjima.

And, as we speak, twice this weekend in LA my friends saw Kendall Jenner playing potsy with basketballer Blake Griffin.

What’s so hot about athletes? I mean, besides the fact they know how to score.

Ghost tickets

Speaking of sports. A block of 1995 Yankees’ World Series tickets — Games 3, 4 and 5 — were just found. Oddly, there was no ’95 Series. Yankees didn’t make it that far. Year before, players’ strike nixed it. These suddenly found tickets were especially meaningful when shown to Randy Levine. Today, he’s Yankee president. Back then, he’d just finished writing a new players’ agreement and so far he’s seen 20 years of labor peace.

A rate for a today Series hasn’t been set yet. Those Main Box ’95 tickets were $60. Lotsa luck. For 60 bucks today you get a hot dog. Sauerkraut’s extra.

Odds & ends

SNL’s Christmas show already booked Dave Chappelle . . . Nobody’s talking but everybody’s whispering. Moving parts are in the wind for Fox-TV. New maybe people. New maybe ideas . . . What better not change is E. 60th’s Rotisserie Georgette. Its diners include Mel Brooks, Ron Delsener, Candice Bergen, Christine Baranski, Jackie Mason.

This could NOT happen elsewhere. Snippy snobby snotty Le Bilboquet restaurant has a Sag Harbor annex, which gives no phone number. A gent — whose skinny pants end at the ankle and who carries a tennis racket even in snow — wanted a table. The NYC place issued instructions on how to get an East End reservation: “Just arrive at the door and present yourself.”

Only in New York, kids, only in New York.