Celebrity News

Taylor Swift gives raunchy speech at friend’s wedding


Taylor Swift made her best friend a true blushing bride.

The singer, who came out of a self-imposed exile from the spotlight to serve in her childhood best friend Abigail Anderson’s bridal party, delivered one heck of a speech at the reception Saturday, complete with a raunchy snippet that ended up online.

“She’s running after him, there’s falling, there’s stumbling,” Swift, 27, said in a video from the event, making Anderson and groom Matt Lucier crack up. “They make it to the bathroom and I can hear sounds that I can never unhear … and then there’s silence.”

It’s not the first time Swift has engaged in a bit of TMI about her BFF. In her song “Fifteen,” she sings about Anderson, by name, losing her virginity.

Anderson’s wedding wasn’t the only major event Swift had this weekend. She also dropped her second single from “Reputation,” “…Ready for It?,” on Sunday.