Celebrity News

Kim Kardashian gets naked again, ignores Sharon Osbourne

Kim Kardashian doesn’t care what Sharon Osbourne thinks of her brand of feminism.

The reality starlet showed off her naked body yet again, this time in a tree, on Instagram. The image is a preview for an upcoming book by photographers Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott.

The move comes days after Kardashian, 36, told Harper’z Bazaar Arabia, “I said once before that I’m not really a feminist. But I feel I do a lot more than people that claim that they’re feminist. To clarify what I said before: I feel in my soul I’m a feminist. I just don’t need labels to make me feel or know what I am inside.”

Osbourne, 64, slammed the Kardashian brand of female empowerment in her typically blunt fashion.

“Kim says she’s doing everything in the name of feminism, but that’s not feminism,” “The Talk” host sniped to The Telegraph this weekend. “Those girls live off their bodies, half of L.A. has been through them and everything they do from the sex tape to the plastic see-through dresses and the gym wear is about sex, not female progress.”

“And listen: God bless them. If Kim wants to show off her body, fine,” Osbourne added. “But that’s not feminism, that’s being a ho. And there’s nothing wrong with being a ho, but always remember what you are.”