Celebrity News

Graydon Carter to end 25-year run as editor at Vanity Fair

It’s the end of an era.

Graydon Carter, the editor of Vanity Fair, is stepping down from the magazine in December after 25 years of service, according to the New York Times.

“I want to leave while the magazine is on top,” Carter, 68, told the Times on Wednesday. “I want to leave while it’s in vibrant shape, both in the digital realm and the print realm. And I wanted to have a third act — and I thought, time is precious.”

His post-celebrity editor plans include a trip to a rented house in Provence, as well as an unnamed future project.

“I’m not a big announcer,” Carter said. “Best to fail quietly at the beginning of something rather than make grand pronouncements.”

Although no successor has been named, Carter revealed he pitched a few ideas.

“I want to make it really easy for the next person,” he said. “I care about this magazine. I don’t want it to go anywhere other than up.”