Celebrity News

Kristen Bell entertains Hurricane Irma evacuees

“Frozen” actress Kristen Bell has made the most of her time while trapped in Orlando waiting out Hurricane Irma — entertaining her fellow evacuees with songs and hugs.

“Look, we’re all here. We’re not going to change this hurricane,” Bell told “Good Day Sacramento” and KMAX-TV, where her dad is news director. “Everybody’s kind of making lemonade.”

Bell, in town shooting a movie, has been busy visiting schools and evacuation centers lending her voice to anyone who can use a smile. She was the voice behind the Anna character in the 2013 blockbuster Disney flick.

“I’ve called it ‘Singing in a Hurricane,’” Bell said. “And one of my favorite movies is ‘Singin in the Rain,’ so this just my version. It’s a little more intense than I thought it would be.”

Despite the gloom and destruction outside, Bell, 37, said evacuees on the inside are putting on a brave face.

“We’re making it work. I’m going to call some bingo later on this afternoon,” she said.

“It’s sort of sad that it takes a natural disaster to bring out the best in people. But that’s truly what I’ve seen. I mean everybody is helping everyone here.”

Bell’s social media is filled with images of evacuees, many of them senior citizens, entertaining themselves during the storm.

She was particularly fond a senior citizen who sang “You Are My Sunshine” with her.

Bell tweeted at her husband, actor Dax Shepard, “this is john. My side piece in orlando. I hope u understand. Im powerless over a man who serenades me.”