Celebrity News

Richard Branson’s new book tells tales of Kate Moss dancing on tables

Richard Branson’s Necker Island paradise has been devastated by Hurricane Irma.

But in his upcoming book, “Finding My Virginity,” the mogul reveals happier times at his estate, such as when supermodel pal Kate Moss “is on Necker, she can usually be seen on top of the Great House table, dancing away day and night.

I’ve rarely seen anyone work so hard and play even harder.”

In the memoir, out Oct. 10, we hear Branson writes he once received a call from a reporter informing him “they were running a front-page splash that I had a cocaine-fueled threesome with Kate [Moss] and Keith Richards . . . My first thought was: what a great story — do I really have to set them straight?”

Branson says the story was not true and nothing ever ran. Either way, “It wouldn’t of helped Kate’s image — although it might have helped mine and Keith’s!”