Celebrity News

Sydney Leathers: Weiner’s sexting sentence like a ‘birthday gift’

Anthony Weiner‘s former sexting pal Sydney Leathers said the disgraced congressman’s prison sentence is a birthday “gift.”

Leathers, whose relationship with Weiner threw his 2013 mayoral campaign into a tailspin, said she’s satisfied now that the serial sexter will end up behind bars.

“I’m just happy he didn’t get off with only probation,” Leathers told The Post. “He deserves some prison time for sure.”

The cam model and occasional porn star said Weiner’s 21-month prison sentence for sexting a minor was like a belated birthday present.

“My birthday was Saturday and I’m pretty sure this is my gift,” Leathers said.

Leathers was contacted by the teenage victim for advice last year and she strongly urged her to contact the authorities.