
Rachel Platten is over being associated with politics

Rachel Platten is moving on from politics.

“Once I write a song it no longer becomes mine and that’s something I’ve had to learn,” she told Page Six when talking about how her hit “Fight Song” became synonymous with Hillary Clinton‘s 2016 presidential campaign. “I kind of have to let my art go and whoever embraces it, that’s beautiful.”

“It was something that made me proud,” she said of Clinton using her song as a soundtrack for political rallies. “The first woman who almost became president was using my song of course like any woman that’s an incredible thing, but in a way does that take the song away from anyone?”

Platten and breast cancer survivors at a Ford Warriors in Pink event.Ford Warriors in Pink

The 36-year-old surprised a group of breast cancer survivors on Wednesday at Ripley Grier Studios in an event coordinated by Ford Warriors in Pink. On the heels of her latest single, “Broken Glass” that was inspired by the Women’s March, she told us she wants her music to unite and not divide.

“I don’t want to be engaged anymore than I have to as an artist politically … I’m just really excited this new record is going to be out there and that people get a chance to hear the songs I’ve been pouring my heart into for the past few years,” she said.

Even though she has several hits under her belt, including “Stand By You,” Platten admitted she still trolled social media to see if fans liked her new song.

“I caught myself on release day looking at comments doing a deep dive through like Youtube comments, and I’m like ‘What am I doing? I’m not like a 15 year old girl.’ Isn’t it funny though, you can get 100 positive comments and it’s the one negative one that makes me feel like ‘Oh my god, that’s true isn’t it!’ Which is ridiculous,” she said.

Her new album will be released this fall.