Celebrity News

Spacey denies allegations of sexual misconduct with 14-year-old boy

The sexual misconduct scandal engulfing Kevin Spacey mushroomed Thursday as the Oscar-winning actor was forced to deny he had a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old boy.

An anonymous accuser has come forward alleging that Spacey initiated a sexual relationship with him in 1983 in a report published on Vulture.com.

Spacey, through his lawyer, denied the allegations to Vulture.

Spacey’s team has not yet responded to Page Six’s request for comment.

The accuser, now 48, claims to have met Spacey, then in his twenties, at the age of 12 while the star was teaching an acting class in Westchester County. He says they met by chance two years later in Central Park, marking the beginning of their relationship.

“He was kind of in high seduction mode and gave me his phone number and asked me to call him,” the accuser claimed. “He said, ‘I want to see you, and I want you to come to my apartment.’ He said he’d always been really drawn to me at the acting classes, but had stayed away because I was 12.”

The next day, the accuser says he spoke to Spacey on the phone and visited him at his Upper West Side apartment. “We started a sexual relationship that first visit, which mostly involved me f—king him,” the accuser claimed.

He also claimed Spacey promised to help him with his acting career.

The accuser says that, at the time, he viewed his first three or four sexual experiences with Spacey as consensual, but says the final encounter was an attempted rape.

“He told me to come over, and I went to the apartment. And I thought we were going to kiss and tell each other we loved each other and I was going to go. But he wanted to have sex, and this time he wanted to f—k me, which had never happened to me before,” claimed the accuser, who was by that point 15 years old.

He alleges Spacey yanked down his “baggy jeans” and forced himself on the teen, despite him saying, “No, I don’t want to.”

“I am strong enough, thank God, both somewhere in my brain and in my body, to get him off of me,” he said. “I’m sturdy, thankfully. I throw him off of me and I run crying down the stairs and out into the street and then suck it all up and go have dinner.”

“I always have said, ‘He tried to rape me.’ I told him I didn’t want that, he went again to do it, I told him ‘no,’ he went again and pushed harder and grabbed me and pushed harder,” the accuser said. “I don’t know how I would see that as anything besides an attempted rape, which I was able to thwart.”

The accuser said they never saw each another again after the alleged incident.

The alleged victim — who also detailed a sexual relationship with a twenty-something cousin while in his teens — said he didn’t consider Spacey a “predator” until he turned 25 years old.

“Up until then, I just thought about him as somebody who had really done me wrong and tried to rape me, but not as somebody who had functioned as a predator … He is a pedophile,” he said.

The man decided to come forward following actor Anthony Rapp’s recent claims that Spacey made sexual advances toward him at the age of 14. Responding to Rapp’s allegations, Spacey tweeted, “I honestly do not remember the encounter, it would have been over 30 years ago. But if I did behave as he describes, I owe him the sincerest apology for what would have been deeply inappropriate drunken behavior, and I am sorry for the feelings he describes having carried with him all these years.” In the same statement, he revealed for the first time that he is gay.

Spacey is currently seeking treatment.